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Two days later, the board members of the High Five Magazine and the Montalban fashion house, had agreed to become partners with the Young Billionaires. To celebrate their partnership, they hosted a party to officially announce that they were partners. The party was held in one of the largest halls in London to invite all supporters and fans of the magazine and the fashion house.

"Karina, you are running late." Alejandra told her friend after she was done fixing her up.

"I know but I have to make sure that all the kids have gone to bed."

"Come on, go. I'll take care of everything here."

"Are you sure? I can manage you know...."

"Just get going, will you?"

"Thank you." She kissed her. "You are a life saver." Karina grabbed her clutch and left.

When she arrived, the party had long began that even the introductions were done already. People were busy getting to know each other and exchanging some few ideas about the magazine and the fashion house.

"It seems you are not the only man who can't keep your eyes off her." Cecelia told Alessandro after she noticed the way he had been staring at her  ever since she arrived.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The beautiful widow."

"No; she hasn't changed a lot from the last time I saw her."

Actually, Alessandro had said that because he had not seen her closely. When Ivor brought her to him so he could introduce her, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The beautiful widow was beautiful indeed.

"Have you guys met already?" Ivor asked referring to Alessandro and Karina.

"No." He lied. "But tell me, who wouldn't know the famous beautiful widow?"

"Well you can say that again. When I met her for the first time, I easily recognized her." Ivor added; the others just smiled.

"My name is Resvaldo Lambard. It is a pleasure to meet you and be partners with a beautiful lady like you..." he flirted.

Karina blushed. All fake. "Karina Montalban. Pleasure is all mine, Mr. Lambard." She gave out her hand which he took and kissed.

"Please, call me Resvaldo." He insisted with a smile still holding her hand.

"I believe we are going to be very good partners." She smiled.

"I believe so too. I think working with a beautiful lady like you is going to be interesting." He winked and smiled. The last part was to make everyone laugh and they did. After the introduction, Ivor and Karina left. Karina had to introduce Ivor to some of her friends and other very important people.

"You lied." Cecelia accused him after they were left alone.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the surprised look on Karina's face when you said you haven't met before. It seems you have known each other for a very long time."

"No. You are imagining things. It's the first time I've got to meet her in person."

"Stop lying. Just tell me the truth." She kept nudging him. There was a sudden silence; Alessandro was weighing his choices. Either to tell her or keep lying to all of them. But he decided otherwise; he was going to tell her the truth. Besides, their truth was bound to come out in the open soon.

"Karina..." He started and took a sip of his wine. "Was my girlfriend from senior high to university, second year. Actually, I was a bad boy when we started dating. I had threatened to hurt her brother if she didn't agree to becoming my girlfriend."

"Wow! You were evil." Cecelia laughed.

"I know right." He smiled. "I fell in love with her in the course of that false relationship without even trying. I adored her; I loved her so much that I was able to bear with all the stuff her parents threw at us. But all that was in vain; she betrayed me."

"She doesn't look like one."

"Looks can be deceiving, Cecelia."

"What did she do?"

"I found her sleeping with some bastard I loathed greatly."

"That's intense. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Don't be; it's all over. I moved on with Miranda." Resvaldo smiled.

"All the best in finding your happiness. And I hope it is with the right girl."


Work started immediately after the contracts were signed. Having Alessandro around the company was really hard for Karina; gladly, he noticed the effect he still had on her. So he asked Bruno to be in charge of  representing the Young Billionaires in everything that involved Karina. His decision had aroused suspicious but since he was the boss, no one dared to question him.

One evening after work hours, Alessandro went to see his cousin as Ivor went on a date with Karina.

"How was work, today?" Alejandra asked as she poured him a cup of coffee.

"Interesting. We got to interview and see a lot of models."

"You will never change, right? Always after girls." She scoffed.

"No, that's not true. And you know it."


"Can I ask you something? And can you please be honest with me?"

"It sounds serious. I'm all ears."

"Why..." He took a deep breath and continued. "Why did she do that? Was it so hard for her to come and tell me to my face that it's over?"

"You do know that you are asking the wrong person, right?"

"But you are her close friend. I know you know."

"Alessandro, all answers to your questions are with Karina. But what I can tell you is that, your sudden disappearance has costed you a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"Put your away your hurt ego and take time to talk to her. Perhaps she will tell you more of what you need to know."

"I guess that will have to wait for another day. I'll be on my way home now."

"Please, drop me off at the mansion. I need to talk to Karina."

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