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Several days had gone and Alessandro had not talked to Karina. She was not avoiding him but rather she was provoking him to see what he will do because she was always hanging out with Lurich. It irritated him a lot that he wanted to attack Lurich but he didn't. He respected her enough to stay away from her, well, to already reducing the gossip in the internet about her.

Karina was in the library working on personal stuffs when she was him walk into the library and head straight to where she was sitting. Alessandro was there not for the aim of studying but to see her. He had missed everything about her.

"What are you doing here? I'm busy." She whispered.

"Stay away from Lurich. He is not good for you."

"Is that all?" She asked, annoyed.

"You don't believe me, right?"

"He is a nice guy; he has proved to be good and nothing else unlike some people..." she rolled her eyes at him. So, I think I'm not buying that. If you don't have anything to say, you can just leave...

"I miss you."

"I don't believe you."

"I mean it, Karina, I have really missed you."

"What do you want from me, Alessandro?"

"I want you to know that I like you; I like you very much, Karina."

Her heart skipped a beat and she started feeling butterflies in her stomach. Suddenly the room felt small and heated up despite the fact there was a fan just above her head. Did he just say he likes me? No, he's just fooling around as always.

"Karina..." he called after he noticed the sudden change in her facial expressions.

"No, Alessandro. Don't add anything else because I won't believe you. If you will excuse me, I have so many things to do." She packed her stuffs and stood up ready to leave. But he blocked her way and gave her one of those toe-curling kisses that Karina felt she was dreaming. He wasn't demanding with the kiss; but he just wanted to make sure she understood what he meant. But as he kissed her, he got discover that what he felt for her could more than just 'like'.

Well, that's going to come up in the internet. Karina thought after they had parted.

"Alessandro, people are watching us." She whispered, still embarrassed by what had just taken place.

"I don't care; let them watch. I meant everything I said, Karina. And I have never done this in public with anyone before. Think about it."

He pecked her once more on the cheek and walked out of the library. What had happened in the library left everyone talking which was a very small impact compared to what Karina was feeling. Alessandro had not only confessed that he liked her but he also kissed her in front of all the people in the library. He had distracted her a lot not to mention the way she was feeling inside. It was enough reasons for her to take her things and leave the library.

Later that day, Alessandro's was in his room painting. A hobby he liked doing whenever there was something troubling his mind. Alejandra, his cousin walked in.

"Painting?" She asked excitedly.

"Have you ever heard of the word knocking before?"

"Nope." She replied popping the 'p'. "I'll try next time but I'm not promising you." She smiled then asked. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You always paint hen something is wrong. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah. This is the problem." He stepped aside so that she could see what he was painting.

"Karina O'Connell?"

"Yes. I forced her to sign my dating contracts as a revenge but I messed up big time with her."

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing out of the usual but I felt bad when I saw her cry the other day. I couldn't bear it."

"Do you like her?"

"I can't describe the feeling; when she is around, I am happy but when I don't see her, I miss her. My heart-

Alejandra shouted before he could finish. It was the first time in two years ever since Alessandro got broken at heart. He never declared that he liked any girl after the incident. He was a sworn bad boy but who knew that Karina would break the vow?

"Alessandro is in love!! Ooh my God!" Alejandra continued to do happy dances.

"Who said I'm love? I'm not in love with anyone." He continued painting.

"You just did; heartache, missing her, feeling guilty; its love . You are in love with her."

"No, I'm no..." his phone rang. Ria. Strange. It was very surprising for him to receive a call from Ria especially at that time of the night.

"Alessandro..." she started.

"Yes. What can I do for you, Ria?"

"It's Karina. I've been calling her but she's not reachable."

"But I am not with her."

"I know; she left with Lurich a while ago but I have not been at peace since she left."

"You let her go with him?" He was almost yelling at her. "How could you let her go alone with him, at this time of the night?"

"I really don't think this is time for you to be yelling and blaming me. You need to help me find her. That duke will skin me alive."

"Okay. I'll go and look for her."

"Thank you." She hanged up.

Alessandro threw his phone to Alejandra and ordered her to dial Lurich's number as he got dressed ready to leave.

"Where is she?" Alessandro asked after Lurich had answered the phone.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me; you know who I'm talking about. Where is she?" He asked again.

"Ooh, your so-called-doll... I was with her a while ago. But I can't find her."

"Darn you bastard! Where is she?' He growled.

"Hey, relax dude. I'm looking for her."

There was a sudden silence on Alessandro's side but he could hear a lot of noise on the other hand. Lurich was in a club.

"I found her but she has company. Big company!" He laughed. "I think they are about to host a party on her."

That's all for today dear ones. Please don't forget to vote, share and comment. Lots of love.....

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