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Her father was pacing back and forth, praying that the doctor came out with something positive about his daughter's condition. The news about the attempted murder on his daughter didn't let him sit at all. His wife didn't stop crying and blaming herself for not taking care of their last daughter. She regret uplifting the bodyguard rule for she believed none of that would have happened if she still had one.

Alejandra and some of her friends were there also. None of them could believe that someone would try to kill her. But despite thinking of that, Alejandra couldn't believe that Alessandro was not there. She had called him and left voice mails but he never called back.

As they were still waiting in suspense, the doctor came out.

"How is my daughter, doctor?" Her father asked.

"They are both fine." Everyone breathed after the doctor spoke. Finally, they were to breath normally now. The suspense that was killing them was finally over.

"What do you mean 'they', doctor?" Her mother couldn't help but notice the term that the doctor had used.

"The mother and the baby are fine, despite all the drugs that were given to her."

"Karina is pregnant?"

"Yes, ma'am. She is three months pregnant."

"Can we go and see her?"

"Not now. She is asleep. We will let you know when you can go in and see her. If you will excuse me..." the doctor announced and left.

The family was happy that the worse part was finally over. But on the other hand, they were shocked especially her parents. Her father couldn't believe his daughter was pregnant. And if the news leaked to the press, it would ruin their reputation. So before things got of out, they asked the doctors to be discreet about their daughter's condition.

When Karina regained consciousness, the first person she requested to see was her father.

"How are you feeling, princess?"

"I'm sorry, King dad. I broke my promise; I'm sorry." She cried.

"No, don't be. All that matters right now is you are fine and so is the baby." He touched her belly. "I would have never forgiven you if you didn't survive."

"I disappointed you, mostly mom. I will never forgive myself."

"Don't think like that. Can I tell you something?" He wiped off her tears and smiled.

"Yes..."She smiled back.

"I...I got your mother pregnant before we got married. And more worse she lied to me that the baby was not mine. So you need not to be hard on yourself. Is that clear?"

"I love you, dad."

"I love you princess." He kissed her forehead and hugged her.

A while later, the rest of the family came to see her. After her family, all her friends came to see her. But he wasn't there.

"Where is he, Alejandra?" Karina asked after all of her friends had stepped out of the room.

"I don't know, Karina. I have tried calling him and left voice mails but nothing. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. You did your part; I appreciate that." She tried to smile over tears.

For the rest of the days that Karina stayed at the hospital, he never showed up. Whenever she asked Alejandra about him, all she got was a 'no' for an answer. Nobody had seen or heard from him ever since Karina was admitted at the hospital.

One day before Karina was discharged, she received a different visitor. Yvonne, Alessandro's mother.

"Good day to you ma'am..."Karina smiled.

"Good day to you too dear. How are you doing?" Yvonne smiled back.

"I'm doing better. They are discharging me soon."

"That's good. I heard what happened to you. I asked Alejandra to bring me here because I have something important to tell you about Alessandro."

"Where is he?" She whispered.

"He left. Alessandro left the country the day you were admitted here."

"He never said goodbye." She cried.

"That is because he thought you betrayed him with that guy who drugged you."

"Betrayed him? I don't understand."

"Alessandro was with me that afternoon when he received a call from a guy; I don't remember his name. He told him that you guys were together in a hotel room. He gave Alessandro the name of the hotel and the room number. And without thinking, my son went to the hotel. He found the guy laying on the bed with you."

"Karina, what is aunt talking about?"

"Remember when I told you that Lurich wanted to see me that morning?"

"Yes, I do. I insisted that we should go together but you didn't want."

"He had invited m for coffee and he said he wanted to apologize for all that he had to me. I believed him. He ordered two cups of coffee and we started talking. After a while, he excused himself and went to the restroom which he never come back. When I went to look for him, someone gagged me. After that, I remember waking up in a hotel room. I was all alone. And before I knew it, I passed out again."

"I'm so sorry you went through all that and my son left without waiting for your explanation."

"What is done is done. Thank you for telling me this. At least now, I can stop hoping that he will show up here." Karina wiped off her tears. "But I have one request."

"What is it my dear?"

"Let my pregnancy never be known to him. I know he is the father and he has all rights but I really would my decision to be respected."

"As you dear. I will respect any decision you make." After that the old lady left. Karina made Alejandra swearing their friendship that she would never tell Alessandro anything if he ever got in touch with her.

Karina still couldn't believe that Alessandro had walked out on her when she needed him the most. After all they had been through, all the promises and vows to be together, he had left without even saying goodbye. She had to make up her mind about the baby; abortion was not an option and she was definitely not staying in England. Their family's reputation would been at risk if the news about her pregnancy and the unknown father got the press. So the only way was to leave England for a while.

"But where will you go? What if something happens to you?" Her dad asked as she packed her stuffs, hoping to be able to persuade her into staying.

"Dad, I know with everything that has happened, you would want me around. But I'm doing this for you. I can't ruin our family's reputation."

"Who cares about the family's reputation? I love you, your mother loves you; that's all that matters."

"I've made up my mind dad."

"Not even me, princess?"

"Not even you, dad. I will be fine. Besides, I was going to move out soon."

"You would have? What about me?"

"Dad, come on. Don't make this harder than it already is." She stopped herself from crying.

"Where are you going to live?"

"Spain. The ticket is already booked by Alejandra. Dad, I'll be back before you even start missing me."

"The thought of you leaving makes me miss you already."

"I will call you when I'm about to give birth. I can't promise because I've been bad at keeping promises." She smiled.

"I will be there even if you don't call me. I will come to you."

"I love you, Kayser O'Connell."

"I love you, KarinaAriana Kayser O'Connell."

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