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Karina was about to get inside when Alessandro showed up. He had followed them and watched everything from a far until when Lurich left.

"I can see you did not only let him drive you home but you also let him kiss you...

Ooh no!

"Do you have any problem with that?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a problem with that. A big one, I must say because my girlfriend lets any guy who crosses her way to do whatever he please with her."

She slapped him; not once but twice. Karina had slapped Alessandro for the second time on the face.

"If you ever try to compare me with your former prostitute girlfriend, I swear I'll sue you, Alessandro."

Alessandro couldn't believe it. What courage and audacity did she posses to be able to slap him not only once but twice despite telling her never to lay a hand on him again. She turned to leave but he stopped her.

"Ooh no, you are not going anywhere, Dollie..." he kept her in his embrace which felt more like a small cage.

"I'm going to forgive you for the first slap because I'm the one at fault. But for the second one, you are going to pay for it, Dollie."

"Let me go, Alessandro!" She struggled to free herself but he locked her in. "Let me go or I swear I'm going to shout!" She threatened him. He laughed but it was a mock for he knew her small threats couldn't do anything to him.

"I like the way you threaten me. But here is bad news for you, I don't care!"

Alessandro had openly challenged her and if he didn't know that she didn't back away from challenges, she was going to prove it to him. As Karina opened her mouth to shout, he took it as an opportunity to kiss her. Whenever he kissed her, he usually let her decide either to part away or keep on kissing him. But that night, he had made his mind; he was going to let her go when he had settled a score with her. Karina tried to fight him but he was too strong for her. But as much as she tried, she knew she was enjoying the kiss as much he was. Not long, she had given up and she was kissing him with equal emotions as he was.

Then her phone rang.

"Don't pick it up."

"It could be mom." She answered breathlessly as she parted away from him. Karina took he phone and answered the call without without looking at the screen.

"Hello?" She answered as she still tried to catch her breathe.

"Well well little sister, you couldn't have picked a better place to make out with your boyfriend other than outside our parents' house, right?"

"Andreina?" Karina replied excitedly but a bit scared that her sister had saw what had happened between Alessandro and she. And she was sure the news would reach their mother.

"Yes; that's me, your elder sister."

"Where are you?" She looked around but she couldn't see her.

"Behind you." Andreina waved. She was standing a few meters behind them next to her car. Excitedly, Karina ran and hugged her sister. They had not seen each other for a very long time despite the fact the lived in the same state.

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