Chapter 30

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            C.C., Gretchen, Jinxx, Sammi, Jake and I walked back into Heather’s room quietly so I wouldn’t wake her. About an hour ago, they’d forced me out of Heather’s room because they said I needed to eat. Honestly, all I needed was to be with Heather at the moment. I could eat with her when she gets better. I saw Ashley kneeling beside her bed, not removing his fearful gaze from her face. His eyes were red and his cheeks were streaked with recent tears. Sitting in the chair beside Heather’s bed, I looked warily at Ashley. “What happened?” I asked cautiously. His hands were still trembling and I could see tears reforming in his eyes.

            “I thought I lost her…” He choked out painfully. Catching his breath, he continued. “S-she woke up and was talking and as soon as she woke up… she was gone… I thought she was dead. I thought… I thought I’d never see her again and…” He paused, looking up at Heather’s heart monitor. “You have no idea how relieved I was, when I realized her heart monitor hadn’t stopped. When I realized that Heather wasn’t gone yet and I still had time with her.” He brought her small hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “Maybe she can make it…”

            I took Heather’s other hand in mine and nodded. “I know she can.” Jake said from behind me, walking to my side. “ She’s a tough kid.” He smiled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

            We waited all night, by her bedside waiting for her to wake up. But she never did. As the sun began to rise, I began to loose faith that I’d ever hear her voice again. What if this is it? What if she never wakes up? In one hand I held Heather’s and in the other I held Jake’s. He held Gretchen’s and Gretchen held C.C.’s. Across from me Ashley held Heather’s hand in one and Sammi’s in the other and Sammi held Jinxx’s. I don’t know why we were all holding hands, but at the moment I think we all needed something to hold us together.

            As hours passed the only sounds were the clock ticking mixed with Heather’s heart monitor blending together in a perfect melody. With every beep echoing through my ears, I couldn’t help but feel blessed. After all at any moment the beeps could stop and Heather would be gone. Each one meant another second Heather was alive. I couldn’t be more thankful. I could only imagine what Ashley’d felt. To think I was loosing Heather… I had no idea how I’d take it.  Hearing her heart monitor must have been like resurrecting her from the dead. Suddenly a noise broke the continuous melody we’d grown used to.

            “A-Andy..?” Heather wheezed unevenly, keeping her eyes shut.

            I shot closer to her, suddenly in panic mode. “Yes?” I asked, trying to remain calm.

            Painfully, she scrunched up her flushed face and opened her eyes. “What’s happening?” She asked, hardly able to breath. Her eyes flashed fearfully back and forth across the room. Her lip trembled and her palms began to sweat. “Where’s Ashley?” She forced out.

            Ashley leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. “ I’m right here.” He soothed, trying to stay strong.

            She looked up at him, with tears glazing her brown eyes. “I don’t want to loose you.” She mumbled through tears. She looked at everyone else and whimpered. “I don’t want to die.” You can’t! Her heart rate went up causing me to tremble. This is happening… this is really happening. I hated seeing her so vulnerable and scared. She’d always been strong, even when she was little.

            “Shhhh.” I soothed, whipping away her tears and allowing her to close her eyes. “You’ll be alright.” I promised, though I didn’t even believe myself anymore. I knew what was happening. Heather was dying and unlike what happened with Ashley… he heart monitor wouldn’t start again once she went unconscious. “Just stay strong.” I begged, unable to hold in tears any longer.

            Her breathing calmed and she turned to me. “ I can’t…” No…She said honestly. “Not anymore.”

            “Heather please…” Ashley begged.

            She shook her head and let out a weak cough. “I’ve tried…” She opened her eyes once more. “Please just don’t leave me.” She pled, using all her strength to grip our hands tighter.

            “Never.” Ashley choked. “I love you.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips delicately.

            “I love you too.” She replied softly, looking at him then over to me. “ I can never thank you enough for everything.” She mumbled. “Without you… I don’t know what I would have done…” She gave a small laugh.

            She closed her eyes for the last time and her breathing began to slow down. My heart broke, watching her slip from my fingers knowing I’d never see her again. Heather please don’t go…

            I sat there helpless as I watched her give out. There was only one thing I knew I could do to help her… It had always worked before. “Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention. Of learning how and when we’ll die, but we can’t listen.” Suddenly Jake began to sing with me, with tears streaking his face. “ I wish to god I’d known that I, I didn’t stand a chance of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance.”

            I paused for a moment, taking an uneasy breath. I looked up and found everyone looking at me… helping me. Together we sang our hearts out for the girl who meant the world to us. “ You’re not alone and we’ll brave this storm… So here’s a song I wrote in time, when it was needed. Through pain of heart or loss of mind… your burden’s lifted. You aren’t alone just know that I can save our hearts tonight. You’re not alone. And we’ll brave this storm. And face today… you’re not alone…”

            By the time we finished Heather was gone. And there was no monitor beeping to bring her back. She was really gone… My Heather. We spent our time saying our goodbyes, but I could never have enough time. Everything felt rushed. One day she was fine and the next… the next she was gone. But along with Heather, her pain was gone as well. She didn’t have to worry about her hair or her problems anymore. She was free.

            Eventually, we’d all said our last farewell, before being forced away by the doctors. As I turned to leave, I caught a last glimpse of Heather. And I’d like to think that she looked at peace. She looked as if all the pain and all the agony she’d gone through were no longer with her. Looking at her, I could feel my broken heart begin to mend. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Goodbye Heather.” I said softly before leaving the room with the others.

            Though my heart was mending, it would never be back to the way it was. I knew there would always be a dark hole in my heart where Heather once was. It would be a long journey for me to recover. But it was alright… I wasn’t alone.

The End


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