Chapter 5

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Hey I know this used to b chapter 2 but like I sed it works better here. If u r looking for the new chapter just go back one and there it is. ok? thanks :)

also the pic on the side is of Heather 



            “Ow!” I screeched as yet another doctor proceeded to take one of many marrow tests. “Why are you guys doing this anyway!? Do you enjoy bringing me pain? I bet you do! I’m not going to live and you all know it, so get the hell away from me!” I demanded short temperedly. Yeah I know I was being a pain to the doctors, who were just doing their jobs, but seriously it hurts like hell to get your marrow tested and when you’re a lost cause like I was… well… you don’t exactly want to spend your time in the hospital getting tested non-stop.

            “Miss. Collins please settle down.” Some nurse ordered me after I refused to stop complaining. I would stop at nothing to get them out of my room, if only for a few minutes. I was tired and I just wanted to relax and listen to music. Unfortunately, I probably cause the process to be twice as long since they had to restrain me a few times. Eventually I just went limp and waited for the whole thing to be over. Just a few more people that will be happier when I die…

As soon as the last doctor left my far too small room I began to rummage through my black, leather, studded bag for my iPod. I instinctively turned on Black Veil brides just like I always have done ever since I was young whenever I’m upset. Well I guess when I was young it wasn’t called Black Veil Brides, but since I was just a toddler my cousin Andy (A.K.A. the lead singer of BVB) had always been able to cheer me up with his voice. It was and still is… well… soothing. I also get comfort knowing that at least one person in the world cared for me no mater what.

My short, thinning, purple and black hair fluttered in front of my face as the cool breeze enveloped me making me feel like a feather in the wind. The sight of my hair brought a pang of sadness to my chest. Before the doctors had begun chemotherapy on me, I had thick hair that I’d been styling since I was ten. Now the sight of it’s thinning and dead state just reminds me of all I’d lost. Although I’d been told multiple times that I had almost no chance to live over six to seven more months, they still insisted in continuing the chemotherapy. Not only will I die young, but bald too I guess. Oh well… there was only one person that I wanted at my funeral. That was none other than Andrew Dennis Biersack, and he was never one to care about looks. That was one thing I’d always respected about my big cousin, he never judged a book by its cover. I mean that in a metaphoric way, haha he didn’t read. At least I thought he didn’t. I hadn’t seen him in years. Not since his band, Black Veil brides, got popular and started touring. I’d begun to worry that he forgot about me, but hearing his voice yesterday and knowing that in only a few hours he’d be here just for me… well… it made my dying a little worth it.

I rested in my hospital bed with my eyes closed listening to my music for the best part of my afternoon. Whenever a nurse or patient would walk by my door I would get up as quickly as I could in hope of finding Andy at my door. Every time I found just another judgmental stare from someone who didn’t know me and judged me just because of my hair and tattoos. What’s wrong with these people haven’t they ever heard of rock? However, as soon as The Legacy started playing through my small speakers, I couldn’t help but get filled with energy. Believe me that’s saying something. Normally I have hardly enough energy to singe a verse while sitting in a normal position, yet as soon as that song began to fill my room there was no stopping me.

“ THE LEGACY! BORN FROM A DREAM! ON LEATHER WINGS, ROSE FROM THE STREETS! WITH A HAND ON DESTINY!” I sang enthusiastically, sitting up in my bed swaying black and forth to the familiar beet. I could feel various people’s cold stares as I continued to sing my sick little heart out, but I could care less what they thought of me. That is until someone brought up the one thing I hated about myself…

“ Mommy,” I heard a little girl, with strawberry blond hair and a pink dress ask, “Why doesn’t that girl have all her hair? She looks silly.”  Out of the corner of my eye I think I saw her mother shoot me an apologetic glance, but I wasn’t paying attention. I sank back into my bed suddenly feeling out of energy. A single tear escaped from my brown eyes and rolled down my cheek carrying a glob of eyeliner with it. I know I shouldn’t’ve cared what a little girl thought of me, but it still hurt. My whole life I’d dedicated myself to becoming the kind of person who didn’t care what others though, but that one stupid thing… my hair… remained as the one thing I cared about. It wasn’t that I hated the color or anything like that, and I hated to care about me losing my hair, but it made me seem weak… I hate to seem weak. I mean, I was weak… in fact, I was dying… but I didn’t want others to know that…

I closed my eyes once more and began to run my fingers over my ‘Never Give In’ tattoo I had over my heart. Of all of my tattoos that was my favorite. Mostly because it was a Black Veil Brides quote, but also because it was a quote that both Andy and I had lived our life by… never give in, never back down… I felt another tear escape my eyes. No don’t cry! I refused to seem any weaker than I already did. As Carolyn began to play more tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn’t contain myself anymore. My body soon gave out and I fell into a way too common sleep. My last thoughts were of Andy coming to visit. Andy please hurry…

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