Chapter 16

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*Dream *

“Heather!” I cried. Though my throat burned to the point that I could hardly speak, I continued to shout as loud as my lungs would allow. The pain was excruciating and I could feel my heart beating through my chest, but I wouldn’t give up. I continued to run through the smoke filled streets, desperately searching for Heather. Black smoke rose over my head and soon my vision was gone, leaving me in a pit of darkness. “Heather!” I shouted again, pushing through the agonizing pain. “Heather please answer me!” I coughed out the words, as bitter smoke began to fill my heaving lungs. I tripped over my own two feet and crashed down onto the cold, hard ground. “Heather please…” I wheezed, struggling to get up. Every piece of me ached and no mater how hard I tried, I couldn’t get my legs to move. I began to crawl forward, but soon had to stop to catch my breath. I could hardly breath and my pained body screamed at me, but the coughing was the worst part. With every one, my throat burned as if it was lit on fire. I could feel claws scratch down my throat and into my body every time a cough escaped my weakening body, yet I refused to give in. I pushed upward with my shaking arms, but collapsed once more. My body began to give out and my heavy eyelids soon began to fall over my blue eyes. No! Stay awake!

            “Andy?”  I heard a voice call. Hazily, I opened my eyes and used all of my energy to lift my heavy head. A light began to grow before me, and before long I saw Heather standing above me.  She was pale and thin and her hair was almost all gone. Up her body were countless bruises and scars. All of her tattoos were no longer visible other than one that was over her heart. It read ‘Never Give In’ in fancy lettering. She knelt down to me, so she could look into my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out were more wretched coughs. “Shhhh.” Heather soothed, smiling softly. “You can’t keep this up Andy.” She whispered into my ear. My eyes began to water and a stinging sensation rose in my eyes, as the tears fell. Heather shook her head and closed her eyes. “I have to go Andy. Can’t you see I’m only hurting you?” She motioned to my clawed up body and an ashamed look formed on her face. “You don’t need me here… No one does.”

            As she said that, giant, boney, claws broke through the black earth and coiled around her torso. She let out a muffled screech and was dragged down through the cold, broken ground. “Heather!!!” I shouted, ignoring every thought of pain. I scrambled to my feet, stumbling with every step. With tears stinging and blurring my vision, I collapsed in front of the dark hole in the earth that had consumed Heather. “Heather!” I called once more, but it was no use… she was gone.

* End Dream *

            I shot up, in a pool of sweat. Instantly, my head began to throb and spin. It took me a moment to steady my vision, but once I did I began to search desperately for Heather. When I realized where I was, I took a thankful breath and relaxed a little. I examined my body and was pleased to find myself not clawed up… well most of me. Visions from my dream along with moments from my encounter with Heather swirled through my mind, making me dizzy. Dizzily, I stood up and stumbled into the bathroom. When I finally got there, I refused to turn on the lights, since my headache was killing me already and the lights would only make it worse. I turned on the sink and splashed cold water onto my face. It calmed me down a little bit, but I was nowhere near fine.

Pain struck my gut and I collapsed down next to the toilet. My throat burned as I began to puke into the toilet, bringing back vivid memories from my dream. After about fifteen minutes, I’d successfully vomited up everything I’d eaten or drank the previous day, and to be honest I felt like total shit. My whole body ached and I didn’t even bother trying to stand up. My head was spinning so much; I’d probably end up falling over again anyways. I scooted over to the wall and rested my back against it and closed my eyes.

Soon enough, I’d passed out again praying for a peaceful rest of the night. Lucky for me, my prayers were answered. I was allowed a couple hours of my first dreamless sleep in days. My first sleep without my demons to haunt me. 

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