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~oooh this chapter man~

~i might use a little profanity, so if you're not comfortable...oops :/~


My day was pretty messed up. I woke up at around seven, realizing I was late for football practice. 

After our staggering loss at the previous game, Coach made us meet on Saturdays from six in the morning to around ten to just practice. In infuriated the entire team, but no one had the nerve to protest.

They'd probably be chucked off the team if they did. Anyways, I knew Coach would be livid at my tardiness, so I made sure to look my best for the practice, clean shorts and everything. That's more than what most guys do. I checked my phone quickly, checking for any texts from her

Veronica. She'd texted me, saying her flight would be coming in tomorrow, but I secretly wanted her now. I wanted to finally see her again, after a whole year of not being able to. A year of not being able to pull her close enough for her to blush, but let out the smile that made my heart beat rapidly. Her--

"ARCHIE! YOU'RE LATE!" My dad called from downstairs. I felt my cheeks heating up, and for good measure, I sprayed some of the water near my bed on my face. Get yourself together, Arch. 

When I arrived at the field, Coach was standing there, arms cross menacingly, foot tapping. I looked down. "I'm sorry, Coach. I was--"

"I don't want to hear it, Mr. Andrews." Shit. He only called me Mr. Andrews when he was mad. Reggie gave me a smirk. He was Coach's favorite. Everyone knew. He was vying for captain, and so was I. 

Before I could protest, Reggie swaggered over, looking extremely proud with himself. "Sorry, Coach. He was too busy banging Jughead. That's why he's so soft." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What the hell are you talking about, Reggie?" He smiled even wider. 

"After Veronica ditched, you needed more sex or some shit like that. She was your source of all kinds of sex, right?" I gritted my teeth, and Coach sensed my uncomfortableness. 

"That's enough, Reginald." I was about to head to the bleachers, when Reggie stepped closer. 

"You didn't get pussy, so you looked for some dick, right?" He chuckled, the guys around him joining in. "Wow. You're a fucking fa--" I launched myself at him, pinning him to the ground, screaming inaudible words.

Everything was happening in a blur. I finally realized what was going on when I felt a stabbing pain on my knee, and Coach broke us apart angrily. The boys around us were hooting, but I faced Reggie, giving him a glare. 

"Enough, both of you. What the hell are your guys's problems? Go home. NOW." Coach vigorously pointed away, eyes wide in anger. I took a lingering, enraged look at Reggie, who only smirked and turned towards the other street. 

I tried not to wince as I realized I'd probably fractured my knee. I couldn't tell Dad. He'd take me out of football for sure. I sighed angrily, deciding to limp my way to Pop's instead.

Before I was about to enter Pop's, I heard a giggle. It was really familiar, but I just couldn't pinpoint it. I heard a deeper voice, probably a guy, and that's when my curiosity kicked in. I turned the corner of the building, creeping towards the two silhouettes in the evening light. 

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