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I woke up to snow. Lots and lots of it. 

Oh, and Christmas. 

The 'holly, jolly' thing is just a cover up for all the eating. 

And eggnog. 

But enough of that. It's been about a month since I've talked to Veronica or Archie. Ever since I've felt happy. 

I've been spending every waking moment talking to Jughead. Every moment realizing I have actual, genuine feelings. I've never experienced that. I'm never gonna tell. 

I'm always going to be that shy Betty, that little, silent angel. There's nothing else. No dark side, no secret alter ego. 

I'm plain, old, boring me. And Jughead's so...interesting. His kooky smile, his cold hands. 

His eyes. Brown orbs of hope. Of hot chocolate on a wintery evening. 


Jughead | 12:00 P.M. 

Hey. You awake? 

merry christmas 

Betty | 12:01 P.M.

yeah, i'm awake jug. you too 

What's up

Jughead | 12:01 P.M. 

i wanna see you. i'm bored ugh. 

Christmas just isn't the same without someone to talk to 

my dad isn't really filling that hole.

Busy drinking his version of eggnog. 

Betty | 12:02 P.M. 

can't right now. 

I'm busy thinking about my sad ass life.

how bout like at 7 ish?

Jughead | 12:02 P.M.

yeah sure

Anything you wanna talk about? 

I'm here. Waiting.

Why you no respond

yeesh okay that's how you wanna play it

yeesh okay that's how you wanna play it

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Betty | 12:03 P.M.

oml ur such a vine

because your quality's dead 😜

bye jug see you soon



I was nervous. I don't even know why though. 

But Betty just made me smile. Literally, 'smile' isn't even a word in my vocabulary. 

And frown's my middle name. 

But I wanted to see Betty. I wanted to see her smile, her twinkly laugh. 

I meant it when I said I wanted to see her again. She's the only thing that's constant.

Hell, she might even qualify as the closest friend I've had. Or the closest thing I've had to a friend. 

But I wanted to spend my Christmas with her. 

6:53 p.m.


I was literally shaking. 

So I slapped myself out of it. It hurt. Make this Christmas worth it, Betty. 

Christmas was special to me, though. Every year, my family and I go to the biggest Christmas tree in Riverdale, and we sing, eat, dance, goof off, everything. 

But they're gone this year. To some stupid thing on some farm.

So I had the house to myself. I changed into a mustard-colored sweater and black jeans, tying my hair into a ponytail.

I didn't know where he was, so I looked in my--

Shit, I don't have my phone. 

With a flash, a string of lights turned on in front of me. The Christmas tree

I ran in the direction of the lights, which took me about two minutes, and I gasped.

It was more beautiful than last year. But damn, it was cold. I shivered a few times, wishing I brought Suddenly, I felt a warmth enveloping me. A jacket. 

I just got a jacket from a homeless man. I was about to turn around, when the hobo spun me around.

"Jughead?" He grinned, and I felt heat growing in my cheeks. 

"Hey, Merry Christmas."

I smiled, and gestured for him to come with me. 

"Careful, there are always hobos hanging around here. We have to act like we're a couple, okay?" He held out his elbow, and I linked my arm in his.

For the next two hours, we popped in and out of shops and restaurants, and laughed about how that gay waiter in some restaurant spilled water, or the lady with chin hair sat down on a chair and farted. 

It was like we were two year old kids again. 

And that's when I wondered about Archie. How is it that I feel so close to someone I don't know, but so distant towards my best friend?

Finally, at around ten, we came back to the Christmas tree, and he yawned. "Crap, I'm really tired." And that's when the snow started to fall.

"Oh. Do you wanna go home?" He looked down.

"I don't know. I don't wanna leave you here, especially since I had an awesome time today. I've never felt like that before." He gave a small smile. 

He turned away for a second, then turned back, his eyes glowing, and he came closer and closer to me, until I could feel his soft breath on my skin.

His brown eyes pierced into mine, and he said, "Merry Christmas, Betty Cooper."

And that's when his lips softly touched mine. 

oof they kissed i'm a lil happy. HOPE YOU GUYS R ENJOYING TYSM for the reads like 3.3K that's awesommmmmmeeee. halloween is almost here and i'm psychhhhhed. bye bye watters have an awesome day/night/watever. <3 loving the autumn vibes for real tho. anyways, stay hydrated bbs :)


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