Chapter Fourteen

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During her morning classes, Amara seemed to be dazed away. She wasn't paying attention in class and was doodling on her papers. She had gotten in trouble by her teachers a few times.

When the bell rang, Amara rushed out of the classroom, not even stopping to put her books away. Deuce watched her run down the hall and narrowed his eyes under his sunglasses. He crossed his arms, growing suspicious.
He knew there'd a few ghouls who would have an idea what would be going on.

"Cleo!" Deuce called out.
The DeNile turned around after fixing her makeup. "Deuce!" she smiled as she hugged him tightly. She noticed his worried expression and frowned. "What's wrong, Deucey?"
"Do you know what's wrong with Amara? She isn't herself today." he asked her.
Cleo shook her head. "She's probably just found a guy she's head over heels for. You know how these new girls get." she replied.
Deuce grabbed Cleo's hands and shook his head. "No, Amara isn't like that. She doesn't just daze off like she did in class." he told Cleo. "As much as I love you babe, I've known Amara since I was little and I know she doesn't get like that over a guy."
Clawd and Romulus walked over. "Deuce is right, it's not like her to be acting like this. She's totally different." Clawd said.
"Something's changed and I don't think it's a good change." Romulus told them, hands stuffed in his jean pockets.
"We need to see what's going on." Deuce stated firmly, his eyebrows narrowing in concern.

Clawd and Romulus nodded. "Yeah, I know the perfect ghost for the job." Clawd spoke.
He grabbed Romulus' arm and pulled him away, marching over to Spectra's office.

Deuce and Cleo stayed behind at her locker. She looked at him and smirked. "Did you know that you look deadly cute when you're all heroic?" she questioned.
Deuce's cheeks heated up and turned a shade of pink. He turned his head and chuckled. "Well. . . Amara's my cousin and I gotta look out for her. . . Cause she's cool and all." he said, embarrassed by the sudden compliment.
Cleo rolled her eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Spectra, please we need your help." Clawd begged.
The ghost reporter turned around in her seat. "You want me to spy on another student?" she questioned, confused.
"Yes! But it's like for the good. We just want to figure out what is going on with our friend." the casketball captain explained to her.
He walked up to her desk and frowned. "Please, we're really worried about her." Clawd whimpered.

Spectra raised her hand up and gave him a smile. "No worries, I, Spectra Vondergeist, will get to the bottom of this for you." she confirmed.

Clawd and Romulus glanced at each other and smiled. They looked back at Spectra with the biggest smiles. "Thank you!!" they both chimed.

Spectra giggled and grabbed her iCoffin, ready to gather information.

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