Chapter Six

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Entering the creepateria was a little more than overwhelming for Amara. All the tables were full and even so, students were still in line to get their lunches. Chatter filled the creepateria, followed by howling, hissing and loud laughter occasionally.
"You doing okay, love?" Lagoona asked.
Amara looked at Lagoona and nodded. "Just a little overwhelmed by all the monsters in here. I've never seen so many monsters in the same place."
Lagoona laughed softly. "Yeah, it was like that for me too."
Amara and Lagoona grabbed their lunch trays and headed over to a table where Amara immediately recognized Cleo and Clawdeen. Clawdeen seemed happy to see Amara. However Cleo on the other hand, did not. She looked annoyed.
Sitting next to them was a pink skinned vampire, a zombie, a snow monster and some-sort of momster that reminded Amara of Frankenstein's Monster.
"Oh! You must be the new girl Clawdeen and Clawd keep talking about! I'm Draculaura, daughter of the Dracula." the vampire smiled, reaching her hand out.
Amara shook Draculaura's hand. "Ah, I'm Amara." she replied.
Lagoona sat down at the table. Amara decided to play it safe and sat next to the sea monster, the furthest away from Cleo.
"Amara, huh? Pretty name. I'm Frankie Stein and this is Ghoulia Yelps." the green-skinned monster introduced herself and the zombie next to her.
Amara glanced over at the snow monster who smiled awkwardly. "My name is Abbie." she said.
"It's nice to meet you all." Amara said.
"So? Got any eyes for any guy here yet?" Draculaura asked, smiling.
"Draculaura!" Frankie turned her head to face the cheery vampire.
"What? I want to know!"
Lagoona looked at Draculaura. "Actually, I'm quite curious too." she turned her attention to Amara. "Well?"
Amara blushed and waved her hands in a defensive manner. "I, uh, I'd rather not say." she told the girls.
She couldn't just say that she liked Clawd. Not while she barely knew him and definitely not when Clawdeen was around. What would Clawdeen think of that?
"A shy one, huh? Well no matter. Sooner or later, you'll tell us." Cleo spoke.
"Up in mountains, crushes did not matter. If you like someone, you tell them." Abbie commented.
"Says the one who can't tell Heath about her crush on him." Clawdeen laughed as she filed her nails.
Abbie's cheeks turned a shade of pink and she immediately took a sip from her cup as the other girls laughed.
Amara finished her sandwich while she allowed the other girls to chat away. She felt so out of place when she was with them and she'd only just met them.
'Maybe this isn't the group I'm looking for.' Amara thought to herself.

⊱ ────── {.⋅.✯.⋅.} ────── ⊰

With the final bell ringing, Amara rushed to her locker. She just wanted to leave her things in her locker and leave.
Just as she was closing the lock, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She flinched, thinking it was a teacher and turned around. "Oh! It's you Clawd. I thought you were someone else." she said as she relaxed.
Clawd laughed. "Nope, it's me."
He rubbed the back of his neck. "Listen, there's a Casketball game in an hour. I was wondering if you'd like to come see me and my team play." he explained.
"Huh? Why are you asking me?" Amara questioned.
"Well, Deuce told me about how you love playing sports and can give out useful tips so." Clawd replied.
Amara sighed but smiled. "Sure, I'll watch the game and give you some tips afterwards." she told him.
Clawd smiled back. "Really? That's great! It's in the gym, in about an hour."
Amara watched the werewolf run off, feeling her chest tighten and her heart beat faster. She blushed and gently shook her head before going off to find Lagoona and her boyfriend, Gil.

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