Chapter Three

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Amara opened her locker and sighed. She gently put her soaked notebook in her locker and grabbed her books for the next three classes.

She closed her locker and turned around, only to bump into Deuce. "Woah, you seem in a rush. Meet some new friends already?" he laughed

Amara looked up at her cousin before stepping aside and walking off. She didn't want to get on Cleo's nerves again and get her stuff ruined.

"Hey, Amara! Is something wrong?" Deuce asked as he followed Amara down the hall. "Stop ignoring me, cousin. You've got me worried!" he said as he finally got in front of Amara.
The girl looked at Deuce. "Go worry about your girlfriend. . . Not me, okay? I'm fine on my own."

"Cleo? Did she confront you?" Deuce asked. "I'm sorry. I knew I should've introduced you to her first."

"She ruined my notebook." Amara mumbled. "And now I can't draw in it. . ."

Deuce placed his hand on his cousin's back and walked to Cleo's locker, making sure that he wasn't pushing his cousin too much.
"Cleo." he called out.

Cleo turned to Deuce and smiled. But the smile soon disappeared when she noticed that Deuce had the new girl with him. "Deuce, I see you've got a new friend." Cleo said, wrapping her arms around Deuce's neck to make Amara jealous.

Deuce smiled and kissed Cleo's cheek. "Babe, I want you to meet my cousin, Amara. She said you two already met but I wanted to introduce you to her." he said.

"Your. . . Cousin?" Cleo blinked in confusion.

Deuce nodded. "Yeah, Amara's mother is my aunt." he told Cleo. "That's why I'm so close with her. I've grown up with her."

Cleo smiled nervously. She let go of Deuce and regained her posture. "Well then, Amara. My name is Cleo De Nile." she spoke.

Amara nodded. "Hello Cleo. . ." she mumbled, awkwardly.

The bell rang and Deuce looked at Amara. "You know where you're going, right?" he asked her.
The new girl nodded before turning on her heels and walking down one of the halls.

She bumped shoulders with many other students, which she really didn't mind since she understood that a crowded hallway led to constantly bumping into each other.


Amara fell on her butt as she bumped into someone. She opened her eyes and saw a blonde girl with light blue skin also on the floor. She immediately stood up and helped the other girl up. "I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to bump into you, I just got lost in thought and—!"

"That's okay, love. I'll admit that I wasn't paying attention as well mate." the girl said. "You're that new girl, right? Name's Lagoona Blue."

"Amara Bijiou." she introduced herself.

Lagoona smiled. "Wonderful meeting you. Now I gotta get to class. I've been late to Clawculus too many times now." she said before walking off.

Amara smiled and walked towards the Mad Science classroom. She sat at the back, where only two empty seats remained. She noticed that the same werewolf who returned her notebook was sitting in the row in front of her. He smiled and gave a tiny wave before returning his eyes to the front of the class. She smiled a bit and turned her attention to the teacher at the front of the class as well.

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