Hell to pay

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Chapter 15

Hell to pay.


I ran straight towards the only place I knew other than Dylan's room, the all mighty kitchen! When I reached the kitchen, I took a turn towards the door at the back of the kitchen. I always thought that there would be another hallway behind that door and now was the right time to put my theory to test.

I slowly opened the door and almost leapt with joy when I found myself in front of the huge foyer. I slipped past the door and made a mad dash towards the massive double doors that no doubt were the entrance gates. Dodging the couches that were placed in the center of the foyer in a square like arrangement, I couldn’t stop myself on time and slammed my body straight on the double doors. Lucky for me, I was able to twist my body around at the last moment to prevent getting damage on my already damaged shoulder.

Without wasting even a single nanosecond, I yanked the double doors open with my good arm…or at least tried to. I tried again, and again, and again. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes at my crumbling hope.

“No, no, no, no please I beg you please open. Please open up you god damn doors!” I said desperately. When nothing came into my measly excuse of a mind, I banged the door loudly, even kicked them. As expected, when the doors didn’t miraculously didn’t pop open, I leaned my forehead against them and sniffed loudly.

“These doors won’t open Jade.” I jumped a billion miles in the air and place a hand on my chest. My heart was ramming against my rib cage so painfully that I thought it would crack open my rib cage. I slowly turned around and found Chris standing a couple of feet away from me. He was staring at me with sympathy. I cleared my throat, willing myself to be strong and blinked just to make sure that there were no tears in my eyes. There weren’t.

“W-What do you mean? Is there another exit? I mean I’m sure there is another exit. Can you tell me where it is?” I surprised myself and Chris when my voice came out monotone. He stared at me for a few moments and then shook his head. Chris and I had grown really close since I met him so it really hurt when he refused to help me.

“Jade I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. Please try to understand that were doing this for your own safety. You can’t leave the mansion. It’s not safe out there for you.” Chris tried to reason with me. I was sure that my eyes were almost popped out of my skull as I stared at him with a look that would only be described as complete and utter disbelief.

“Wait what? What did you just say? My safety? You care about my safety? Chris where the hell is your common sense if you have any huh? Did you not just see what happened with me like not even a few hours ago? Dylan tried to kill me and I’m sure if you weren’t there to save me, I would’ve been his blood snack by now. Which by the way I didn’t get the chance to thank you, so I’m thanking you now. Thank you. Anyways back to the topic, Chris please help me get out of here. I want to see my family, my friends. They would be worried about me. I can’t stay here under this roof with Dylan anymore. It doest matter even if this roof is stretched like miles and miles, I still can’t stay with him. Please help me Chris.” I practically pleaded him. I even went as far as to try my puppy dog eyes on him. I could see that Chris was having an internal debate with himself and was hesitating big time. Finally he let out a sigh and shook his head at me, looking at me with an apologetic expression. And then with out a word, he left me gaping at him.

“WHAT!! I gave you a million dollar speech and all you did was shake your head like a banshee?! Fine go! Go away ‘Chris I don’t know what your full name is’. I will find a way to escape and you will see! HA!” I screamed after him, letting my steam out and stomping like a five year old. After I was done acting like a baby, I wandered around the mansion in search of other exits and windows.

I had been roaming around the mansion for approximately 2 hours and so far the total exits I found were zero. Absolutely no windows and no exits that I knew of so far. To say this mansion was huge was and understatement of the century. The mansion looked more like a hyper mall without all the directions and stuff. And so far I’ve been into 16 bedrooms which all of them had their balconies locked. My wandering around the mansion had one more reason.

I was avoiding Dylan big time.

I didn’t want to run into him and risk another life threatening situation. After a couple of more minutes when I couldn’t take it anymore, I made my towards the kitchen slowly. I found Chris on my way to the kitchen.

“There you are. I’ve been looking for you. C’mon lets go grab a snack.” Chris cheered and placed a friendly hand around my shoulder. As much as I would love to kick Chris’s ass for not helping me get out of here, I appreciated his efforts to cheer me up. He was the only friendly face I had and I wasn’t about to lose him. I shoved his hand away grumbling but started walking with him none the less. I could feel Chris staring at me from the corner of my eye but I ignored him and made my way to kitchen.


(Dylan's POV)

I was pacing my room after washing up. I lost my control once again but I couldn’t really blame myself. I was a vampire who had been trapped in that cave for more than a thousand years and it wouldn’t come as a surprise to me if my ‘resisting the blood urges’ ability sucked balls.

I sighed loudly and plopped on my bed, my hands clenching my hair. I felt a presence approaching my room with vampire speed. Not even a moment later my bedroom door was banged open and closed with another deafening bang. I fell backwards on the bed with my hands still clenching my hair and gritted my teeth.

Doesn’t he know that I’m trying to have some peace of mind? If he keeps banging like that I would have to kill him!

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Chris bellowed as loud as he could, causing me to groan. I huffed loudly and sat up straight, looking at Chris pointedly.

“What are you talking about?” I played innocent which I agree, was not the best thing to do at a moment like this. After hearing this, Chris was almost fuming and was having a hard time holding himself back.

“Don’t fuck with me Dylan. You know exactly what I’m talking about! Why didn’t you control yourself? Wait, I have an even better question for you. Why the fuck are you hurting her huh? Dude she Is your soul mate. Your better half your equal! She deserves respect and love, not this shit that you’re making her go through!” Chris lectured me. I stared at Chris with hard eyes and stood up abruptly. I stalked him as menacingly as I could and towered over him. I knew better than to try and intimidate Chris but anger was clouding over my better judgment.

“Chris stop taking about that bitch this instant! So what if lost a little control? I would never kill her and you know it! She’s fine now.” I said dismally and moved away from him.

“Don’t take this matter so easily Dylan. You two are bonded now. Come to your senses before it’s too late. She was seriously scared for her life this time Dylan and that never happened before. I found her at the front doors. She was trying to escape. Stop hurting her Dylan. You will be the one who will be affected the most if something happens to her.” I heard the door open and shut. I scoffed loudly. I didn’t care about her.

I didn’t.

I won’t.

I can’t.

I shook my head and processed Chris’s words. A slow grin made its way onto my face as an idea struck me. If I couldn’t hurt her physically, I could do that emotionally and mentally. Things would get really easy for me because I know that she has feelings for me even if they are nonexistent. After all because of her I am trapped from completely living my life.

As I promised her, she has hell to pay.


WOOOOOWWW!! New chapter with Dylan's POV. I you liked the chapter give it a thumbs up and drop a comment maybe? It'll make my day.


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