Chapter 34: The Girl V.S. The Cult Part 1

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Daniel's POV:
What the hell? That's not real... he is leading the cult in ...(idk what to put here 🙃).
I shake my head and David notices.
"Are you ok?" He asks me worried.
"Yah" I answer.
"Well Daniel I have a question" David says.
"Well what's your background with y/n"
"Well David... you know how the kids say I'm a cultist well I am... WAS! Was. Anyway she was there since a child like me and I taught her good and emotions. I was basically her dad I also smuggled her out many times to try to make her a real-normal child. So I want to care for her. I also was the one who hurt Max but y/n broke my icy wall around my soul. She was the one that made me... me" I explained.
"Oh" is all he says.
We enter town and soon stop in front of the video store. I breath heavily and step out. The wind is whipping wildly and my hair flaps in the wind. I turn to see David staring at me with giant eyes. I snicker and walk by him. 
"Come on"

David's POV:
I get out of the car wondering if I should trust him. Then I feel the wind whipping and I look up to see him with his hands on his hips. The wind whips his hair around and it catches a whiff of his colones and pushes it toward me. I stare at him wide-eyes until he sees me. He snickers and I blush and look away. He walks by me and says.
"Come on"
We enter the video store and the owner Tommy smiles at me.
"Hey David" He says in a gruff voice. "Who's that?"
"Oh! He's a friend" I answer nicely.
"Well here David" He says going under the desk and grabs a hand full of candy.
"Thank you!" I exclaim grabbing them and snacking on one looking at the movies.
"What's that?" Daniel asks pointing at the candy in my hand.
"What?" I ask him.
"That" He says pointing again.
"C-c-o-An-?" He stammers.
"Just take one" I saw handing him one.
He stares at it then unwraps it and pops it in his mouth.
"Mmmmm!" He says as his eyes grow big and his bored expression turns to a giant smile.
I smile, I wonder how long it's been since he smiled. He closes his eyes and is still smiling. I quickly pull my phone out and take some pics without him noticing.
I start to laugh and he gives a questionable look.
"What are you looking at?" He asks.
"Nothing" I lie.
"David, I know your lying-give me your phone" he says in a monotone voice.
"No" I answer shortly.
"David!" He yells.
I turn around and he then he tackles me.
"Gah!" I yell.
"You alright boys?" I hear Tommy ask.
"Were fine Tom!" I call to him and I laugh.
"Let me see the pictures!" Daniel whines.
"God David!"
"Ask nicely" I cluck.
He grumbles something.
"Ok" I walk over to him and I show him. He goes to delete them but I snatch it away just in time.
"Nope! Not today!"
He groans and we start to look at the movies.
Lord of the rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Carribeans, Star Wars, and more. Then I hear Daniel squeal.
"Oh my god! They still have this?!" He exclaims.
"What?" I ask him.
"Only y/n favorite tv show! (Your favorite tv show)" Daniel says happily. (I totally wasn't about to put Gravity falls)
"Oh! Let's get it then!" I exclaim.
We grab a few movies and bring them to the counter.
Tommy tells us a total and then a bang rings thorough out town. We all look out the window and someone falls to the ground. Blood pours out of there body. My eyes widen as a man in all white with blood splattered on his clothes walks up to him holding a pistol. I can feel myself drifting away. Then I feel someone's hand grab mine and pull me away from the door to the back. Bullets fly towards us, as the glass shatters. The man in all white runs into the store. He grabs Tommy and asks him something as we hide behind the shelf's. Tommy tells him nothing. The man takes his gun and shoots. Tommy's body's fall to the ground as bright red blood is splattered against the wall and a red puddle grows. Daniel is shouting things to me as he covers me from a bullet flying towards us...

I see David shaking and Daniel grabbing him and running.
"No! Don't go that way!" I shout to them. I realize a dark horror. They can't hear me.  And they are in trouble.
Then they hide and more people die. David is shaking like crazy and is wide-eyed. Alexander sees him and points the gun at his stomach. Damnit he needs him alive. Then... Daniel jumps in front...
"Y/n!" Are you ok calm down! It's just a dream!" Max yells shaking me.
"No! Its not!" I yell getting out of bed.
"Y/n!" Max shouts.
"I love you Max! But I have to leave! Good-bye!" I yell as tears run down my face. I run across camp as I see all the campers staring at me.
"Y/n!" Gwen shouts.
I ignore her and run into my tent. I quickly change into black leggings with pockets, boots, shirt, jacket, and mask. I pack my pocket knife, butcher knife, pistol and other weapons. I also pack ammo and and first-aid packs. Gwen, Max and everyone else runs to my tent.
"Y/n! What the hell your scaring us! What's going on!" Gwen shouts.
"I love you all! Remember me!" I yell to them packing a few more things, tears streaming down my face.
"Stop y/n! What do you mean good-bye!" Max shouts running to me.
"I have to finish what I started" I whisper pushing past him.
"Stop!" He yells grabbing my wrist.
"No Max, David and Daniel! Dead, captured! Alexander!" I spit out quickly trying to unleash his grasp.
"What?!" He shouts. I get out of his grasp and run to woods. I open a old log chest. I pull out a cross bow, sleeping drugs and most importantly... a small but easy to get to purple pill. I put it in a little glass thing on my shoulder. If worst come to worst, I'll end myself.
I swing the arrows on my back and the crossbow stays in my hands.
I walk out of the woods and I pull my hair into a tight ponytail.
"Damn she looks like a badass" Neil says as they find me.
"Y/n! What the hell!" Gwen yells pushing past the kids. She grabs my wrist and and I twist out of her weak grasp.
"Good-bye everyone, tell my story" I tell them walking away. I hear Max following me. Then I hear a tent flap and I'm at the exit when max yells...
"Wait! I'm coming!"
I turn around to see him in a closely same attire as me, he has no weapons but a backpack with other things.
"No Max" I tell him turning around.
"Well to bad cause I'm coming wether you like it or not" he says following me.
"Now who's the puppy" I whisper.
"Me now let's go" Max scuffs going ahead of me.
"Ok just follow every order I give you" I tell him.
Gwen soon gets to us as the campers follow her. Nikki has wolves following her and Neil has strange liquids  strapped along his waist.
"Let's go" they say in unison.
"No! I don't want all of you dying because of my stupid mistakes back then!" I yell. In the distance I see the QM with the bus. Ugh whatever let them come. But let's see if they can catch up.
"Fine let's go. Bring the platypus"
"Yah let's go!" Nikki shouts running to the bus with her wolf family following her. Also the platypus coming to.
Soon Neil is on a phone?
"Who are you calling Neil?" I ask him.
Soon the woodscouts and flower scouts emerge from the woods. 
"Ok let's go" Neil said pushing past me.
"Fine! Alright I guess y'all want to die this is a death mission! I'm planning on killing myself because I'm purposely going to get captured to stop all this!" I shout.
"Well I guess we're fighting... because I'm making sure you don't die" Max says sternly.
I blush and we run to the bus with Gwen shouting at us and all the campers wishing us good luck.
"To town QM!" I shout.
"Alright" He says in a gruff voice.
He presses his foot into the pedal as we fly to town.
I'm coming David and Daniel.

(I just realized I'm going to make it that they are teenagers, like 15 also tell me your favorite tv show!)

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