Chapter 27: The childhood

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I stand there awkwardly.
"Im going to my tent, I dont feel good." i groan in a fake tone.
"oh ok, thats dissapointing" Daniel says.
"Yah Im going to go" i said, walking off.
Max comes running up to me, "hey are you ok?" he asks.
"yah, im just going to go lie down." i said stepping into my tent.
"Oh ok, want me to sit with you?" he asks coming in.
"No, its fine, go hangout with your friends" i said happily.
"Ok, im going to come check on you later." he said walking away.
I go lay down onto my cot and turn onto my side. I close my eyes, and feel memories seeping in like a story.

I was in a dark room, with only one light on. I sat on a clean, to clean, concrete floor. I heard a door slam shut and footsteps echoing the room. I quickly look around, afraid.
"w-w-whos t-t-there?!" I stammer and call out.
"Do not stammer, its for the weak" a voice said.
A man with bleached blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and a white shirt and white pants, emerges from the shawdows. He squat down in front of me and sighed looking me up and down. He stood back up and and seemed to be talking to someone.
"is it bleached? No? Oh intereseting ok, goodbye." is all i heard him say.
I felt hot tears stream down my face. He turned around and then looked concrened.
"Hey! Look dont cry!" He comforted getting down to my level. He wiped the tears off my face and looked at me.
"You have pretty eyes, young lady. Whats your name?" He asked me.
"Yours first" I quickly said.
"Ok, Im Daniel. Whats yours?" He asked again.
"y/n" I answered.
"Ok y/n can you change into this?" Daniel asked me holding up a completely white dress.
I nodded my head.
"Ok good, and answer me when i speak ok?" he said handing me the dress.
"Ok" i said.
He smiled and stood up, "ill be back in three minutes".
"Ok" i said again as he walked out of the room.
I changed into my dress and stood in the middle of the room, under the bright white light. All of a sudden i hear a deep, scary voice ring through my head.
"Braid your hair" It said.
"I dont know how" I answered back.
"Ill help you, let me control your body" It said,
"Ok" i answered. I let my whole body go limp.
My arms began to float up to my hair. They started to pull it into two parts and started braiding it. It felt like my arms were being controled by another person but, no one was there. Once it was done braiding my hair, Daniel came in.
"Hello y- oh you braided your hair!" He exclamied.
"Lie" the voice in my head growled.
"Yah I did! Do you like it?" i lied.
"Why yes, I was going to come do it but it seems like you already did" he said coming towards me.
"Yah" I said.
"What he is about to do, let him, dont struggle" The voice said again.
He was in front of me now, he bent down and picked me up. I was surprised, but i didnt move or struggle. He looked at me questionably.
"You know, kids usually struggle when a random dude they just meet pick them up" He remarked.
"Im not normal" I answered.
"I can tell, most two-year-olds can barely talk let alone full sentences like you" he said.
Then it made me think.
"Wheres my mommy?" I asked.
He went stiff and answered, "She didnt want you anymore, she left you" he answered seriously.
I looked down and almost started crying.
"Dont cry, it shows your weak, child!" The voice yelled, ringing throughout my head.
I stopped, the man looked at me strangely and then smiled, fairly creepily.
"It looks like xemug has choosen you" he answered very creepily.
I heard a buzzing near his head and he shook his as if confirming something.
"Ok sir, I will." He said 
He soon carried me out of this room and into a fully white hallway. We walked for a bit until we came to a iron door.
He brought me into the room and inside there was an animal in a cage. Next to the cage was a crooked knife. Daniel set me down in front of the table. I looked closer into the cage and it was a little white bunny.
"Kill it" Daneil said simply.
"What?" i asked making sure i heard him right.
"Kill it" He said sternly, clearly a little annoyed.
"Kill it" the voice growled.
I gulped and lifted the cage door open, the animal hopped over to me and nudged my hand with its nose. I picked up the knife shakily. I picked the bunny up and stared at it, All of sudden i felt a manical grin spreads across my face, I carry the innocent creature to a table with a lacey white cloth on it. I place it down and bring the knife over my head. Without hesitating I bring it down onto the creature. It digs into its back, making a loud crunching noise. Its eyes buldge as the blood splatters onto my white dress. I pick it up by its ears and hold the knife so the pointed part is to the roof I turned around to face Daniel as he has complete shock over his face. I have a smile that strectches across my face. My eyes are wide as i crack my neck and look at him crookedly.
"Did I do good?" I question.
"Very good, more like amazing!" He answered. "Come on, somebody wants to meet you" He said picking me up.
He carried me to a room, before going in he knocked on the door.
A voice called out "come in".
He entered and set me in a big chair. He leaned aganist the wall as a man in a even bigger chair turned around.
"Hello, you must be y/n" he said filing some papers in front of him.
"Yes" I answered seriously.
"How old is she?" He asked Daniel.
"Two" he answered.
"Two?! And already killing without sympathy" the man whispered to himself.
He thought for a few minutes.
"Take her to the warm bath" he simply said.
"The warm bath?! But sir-" Daniel began to say.
"Daniel! You do not talk back to your elders!" he yelled angrily.
Daniel backed up and muttered something about xemug.
"Child, you will inform me by father Alexander.
"ok" I answered.
"That is yes sir to you!" he growled.
"Yes sir" I pipped.
"Good, now Daniel take her to the warm bath." he ordered.
"Yes sir" he answered picking me up.
He brought me to a room with a tall box with glass walls. he set me down and handed me a bra.
"Put this on." He said as he left the room.
I put it on and left my dress off. I am about to take a bath, right?
He returned and he picked me up and set me in the box and closed the top. He walked over to a control panal and pushed a button. A noise and a rumble came from under me, I started to feel a warm, sticky substance.
"This is going to teach you to breath in harsh conditions. Now all you have to do to make it stop is to breath." He explained as i felt the substance between my toes.
I looked down and almost fainted. It, was, blood. I started breathing very fast and I felt a panic seeping in. it was up to my knees now.
"Stop!" I yelled but Daniel didnt listen.
What the hell!! I .couldnt breath, I started freaking out.
The blood was up to my chest and it didnt help with my breathing. It seemed the walls were shrinking on me. I could barely move around to reach the surface for air. The blood began to fill my mouth. I started to gag as it filled my lungs slowly as I tried to scream. The lack of air made my vision start to blur. I tried to take one final breath, until I blacked out, last thing I heard was the machine shutting off and the blood draining as Daniel ran to me.

I awoke and was breathing heavily. Max quickly grabbed me before I fell. I began to sob uncontrollably. I didn't even question the fact that Max's shirt was off and he was laying next to me, I was so scared for my future and how and where my future awaits.

Daniels POV:
I cant believe it.
I sat and pondered what to do. I found the person that our place has been looking for like ever. I saw the fear in eyes and, honestly, what the hell did she do with her amazing hair! That color does not represent us!! I angrily sat up and stared at the fire for a few moments. I think of all the possibly ways to grab her and run butr non will work if Max is always by her. All I do know is that I need to talk to her, and bring her home.

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