Chapter 32: Sick Day

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What the- what the hell is that.
I open my eyes slightly to a flashing light and someone embracing me tightly. I look up to see Max's face, his eyes were closed. He was sleeping so peacefully. I reached up and started petting his hair then I felt his hand clasp mine. He looked me in the eye then kissed me. I turned a bright red. I heard more Aww's and I looked up then I was blinded once more. Then I sat up quickly looking around. I saw David, Gwen, Daniel, Neil, Nikki, and even Ered? Wait... the adults holding there phones? Awwing? Oh god.
"Max!" I yelled as he bolted up.
"What?! What's going on!" He yelled grabbing automatically then cradling me making a fist around him.
"Stupid! We're not in trouble! Look around you blind bastard!" I yelled at him embarrassed.
Then he realized... good god.
His face flushed red with embarrassment and then anger.
"what... The... FUCK!!!! You fucking perverts! Get! Get! Get!!!" Max shouted jumping out of bed then falling on his face.
I was trying to hold in my laughter. And then I burst out laughing.
"Hahaha!!!! Oh my god Max! You retard!" I laughed holding my sides.
"Oh you like that?" He shot up leaning against bed raising his eyebrows up and down.
"Oh- My- God!!" I laughed barely breathing.
He jumped up and started tickling me violently.
"AHHHHAHAHA!" I screamed. Then I felt him  pryed off of me.
"Jesus Max! Please don't kill her! You know how much paperwork that is!" Gwen shouted angrily.
I wiped the tears out of my eyes and then laid back down feeling woozy.
"Ughhh I don't feel so good" I groaned holding my stomach. I then shot up and dashed to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and barfed my guts out.
"Y/n! Are you ok!" Daniel yelled running in. "Oh my god! Here hun..." he said coming and holding my hair back. "There, there, just let it all out".
David came in worried. "Y/n are you ok?" He asked me.
"Ugh... yah I guess... I just want to lay down" I groaned.
"Ok honey let's go" Daniel said helping me stand.
David gave him a questionable look. We made it back to David's bed and he helped me get up and lay down.
"Hey David! We should get movies and have a movie day! All the campers!" Daniel yelled to David.
"Oh! That's an awesome idea!" David exclaimed. "Let's go to the video store in town". David continued grabbing the keys.
"Ok" Daniel said going with David. "Don't worry y/n, I'll be back as soon as possibly." Daniel said coming and giving me a hug. I blushed in embarrassment.
"Daniel? Everyone?" I whispered to him.
"Whatever, I'm going to tell David everything" Daniel whispered back.
Daniel stood up and walked out after David. Everyone looked at me strangely except Max. Max was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. I smiled at his concentration on finding something good. Gwen came and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Hey, what was that about? You know-Daniel hugging you and comforting you like he is your... dad..." she awkwardly asked.
"Oh well -explains almost everything(not the Max part but childhood base)-" I explained.
"Wow, your good at acting" is all she said.
Then I just realized I told my life story to not only Gwen but Nikki, Neil, and Ered. They stood there kind of horrified but also depressed for me. I sat up a little and Max sighed in frustration since there was nothing on. He came over and laid down next to me. He started petting my hair as I felt myself slip into a deep sleep.

Max POV:
Oh my god... she is so cute. Can she honestly get any cuter. She fell asleep on my chest as I continue to pet her hair. It's so soft in my hands. I inhale and exhale as I look up to see everyone staring.
"What the fuck you staring at?" I angrily ask.
"I'm taking in the full picture" Gwen said raising her phone and snapping a picture.
I turned a bright red, I looked away and down at y/n. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I carefully laid down keeping her on my chest. I saw everyone leaving the room and Gwen whispering something. The door shut and I could feel myself slipping into a deep slumber.

3rd POV:
Daniel and David zipped through the empty woods. David and Daniel sat in silence as they made there way to town. David squirmed in his seat wondering if he should ask Daniel about y/n. Daniel pondered if he should or thought of what to tell David of his past. Before he could start, as if in slow motion, he saw Father Alexander standing in the woods staring into his soul holding a crooked knife...

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