Chapter 20: Catch me if you can

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Occasionally when I would look over at David and he would have his head in his hands.
"Hey are you ok David?" I ask him.
"Huh? Oh yah I'm fine y/n" he answers.
I was in the clothes Gwen got me and occasionally I would sigh of boredom.
"David" I groan.
"Yes y/n?" He asks merrily.
"Can I leave now I'm getting real tired of just sitting here, I'm feeling much better now" I whine.
"Umm sure, but first walk around and I'll decide if your ready." He says, I sigh and jump off the bed. I begin walk around perfectly normal.
"Ok you can go, be careful!" He tells me as I bound to his door. "Wait!" He yells. 
"What David?" I ask him annoyed.
"Do you want your sweater?" He asks.
Oh yah, my bandages. "No I think, if people question I'll just glare at them. Ok now bye!" I answer throwing the door open.
"Oh bye!" David called as I ran to the Mess Hall. I could tell it was lunch time, people were filing into the Mess Hall.
"Y/n!!" I hear someone yell, and then a body smash into me.
I look down to see Max hugging me, a little to hard.
"M-max I can't breath" I croak as he let go.
"Thank the god your ok!" He exclaimed. Is this the same boy from a week ago?
"I'm fine gosh why you ask?" I ask him.
"Hi y/n- woah what the hell happened to your arms?!" Neil exclaimed.
"Isn't it obvious! She was showing her dominance guys!" Nikki butted in.
"No, no I just fell down a really steep fucking hill" I lie. Max stares at me as if he doesn't believe.
"Ok, dumb ass" he answers walking off.
He will be the death of me. He so cute when he try's to hide his passionate side.
"Hey Max!" I called to him
"What?!" He snaps.
"This" is all I say, and I kiss him on the lips in front of everyone.
"You fucker!" He yells as he chaser after me.
"Payback for all the times you treated me bastard, nothing like public humiliation!" I yell running around in circles as the campers laugh at us.
"Alright you little shits!" Gwen yells. "Sit down and fucking eat!"
I go and sit down with Nikki and Neil. Max lumbers over and then smacks me in the back of the head.
"What the fuck?! Fuck you!" I yell at Max.
Nikki and Neil were laughing.
"What the fuck you laughing at?!" Me and Max snapped in unison.
"Look y/n it's good to have you back" Neil laughed.
I slightly blushed at the thought.
"Thanks Neil" I say.
"Y-your welcome" Neil stammers.
"Well anyway-" I started to say until the doors burst open.
"Hi campers!!" David exclaims. "Ok campers since archery didn't work out, we are going on a hike!"
Everybody groaned in unison as we went to get prepared for the woods. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Gwen and David.
"It's good to have you back y/n" Gwen said softly.
"Yah" is all David said.
"W-whatever! Fuck off loser!" I yell, blushing of embarrassment, "Thanks" I whisper to them and run off with Max. He slings his should around.
"Y/n! Language!" David calls to me as we run to our tents.
I get into my tent and change into a yellow t-shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. I walk out of my tent and Max greets me.
"I've never seen you in yellow" He remarks as we gather at the Mess Hall.
"Well, it's seems like almost everyone at this camp wears yellow, so I might as well give it a try." I answer as David begins to speak.
"Ok everyone! We will be going into the woods now, and everyone will have a buddy so you don't get lost or in trouble. That's all everyone and campe diem!" He exclaims as we groan.
"Yo David, doesn't that mean if one of your partner gets lost aren't you to!" I yell over the crowd.
"Well yes but-" He begins to say but I interrupt.
"Everyone lets go! Ditch them!" I yell as everyone runs.
"No! Y/n! You little shit!" I hear Gwen say as I laugh.
"You sure are a trouble maker y/n" Max remarks as Nikki and Neil run up.
"What's the plan now?" Neil asks as we run deeper into the forest, I hear people occasionally yell that they got caught.
"Don't get caught" I remark as I run faster than them.
"What! That's not a plan at all!" He yells as I get farther away.
I laugh as I run deeper into the forest, I run into a group of kids.
It's Ered, Nerf, and Dolph. I stop out of breath in front of the group, they turn there heads to me.
"Hello y/n!" Dolph exclaims happily.
"Hi- guys" I say out of breath.
"Hey~ y/n, what's up~" Ered said stretching her words out.
"Hi" Nurf says shortly.
"What is your guys plan I just ditched Nikki, Neil, and Max. Told them the plan was to not get caught." I said laughing a little bit.
"Oh we don't have a plan either" Dolph says.
"Oh, well, follow me I think I know where to hide." I tell them leading them to a clearing, there are so many clearings in this woods.
Once we get there they settle down and sigh I go around and pick up sticks.
"What are you doing?" Nurf snaps.
"Getting stuff to make a fire, who knows how long we have to hide" I answer shortly, making the branches look like a triangle standing up.

David POV:
So far we have caught Space kid, Nerris, Harrison, and Preston. We locked them in the Mess Hall. I feel so bad about it! They don't deserve that! But Gwen said they'll escape again. I sigh, I can't believe y/n shouted that. I guess she was trying to show everyone that she is better now, who knows. But... I'm glad she's having fun!
I run around the woods looking for kids, until I see a flash of teal. Got you Nikki. Sneaking up behind her I see Neil and Max sitting down tired. Nikki looks around and I duck down behind a bush and watch them. This is so wrong, but maybe I can help the campers in a sort of way.
"You think we out ran them?" Neil asks Max nervously.
"Yah, I'm sure of it! There's no way they find us in here!" Max retorts. "Honestly there to tall to fit in here."
Well that's true there in some sort of bramble opening thing. It's surrounded by bushes, and branches.
"I wish y/n didn't run off" Max sighed.
"Ohhh~ is someone in love~" Nikki cooed.
"Nikki! You stupid bitch! Of course you known this since the beginning of camp, and yes Neil I'm not stupid. I know you know. It's just that-I don't think she likes me. I mean who would! I don't even fully appreciate myself." Max snaps looking down.
Wow that was deep, I wait a few minutes to see if anything happens. I just see Neil and Nikki exchanging awkward glances and Max is looking at the ground. I get up from my spot and go around to Max side, I carefully step around the sticks and such, to make sure Nikki doesn't spot me. I have to hurry, she beginning to figure my presence out.
"Do you guys smell that pine tree smell?" She asks.
"Nikki we are in the woods" Neil said rolling his eyes.
"No, no like... David's here" Nikki realized shooting up.
I pull my hands through the bush and snatch Max. They both freak and try to run but I grabbed them before they could run away.
"David! Fuck you!" Max yelled thrashing around.
I run to the Mess Hall and place them inside. I close the door and lock them inside. I hear someone banging on the door but I just walk away. I think about what Max had said. I sigh and decide to walk around the woods, hoping to find someone. The sun begins to set, I frantically now look for Ered, Nurf, Dolph, and Y/n. I think I see smoke in the distance but I'm not sure. I head towards the direction and hear laughter and annoyed voices.
"Y'all are stupid!" Y/n fumed.
"Come on you can tell us" Dolph said.
"God no! You guys need to shut up! Someone will hear us." She fumed again.
"Geez your being toads uncool right now" Ered said stretching her words. She so cool, but I looked over at y/n. Kids seem to get upset when she says that but, y/n just rolled her eyes.
"I don't care what people think" y/n snapped.
Ered seem to have smirked, I don't know, "that's pretty cool for you to stand up for yourself" Ered said.
I see y/n sniff the air and look around standing up. "I-I'm going to get more branches for the fire." She said standing up. Do I really smell strongly of a pine tree?
This is my chance. She walks out of the clearing and is on the edge of it, I slowly creep up on her. She turns to face me and stops, she stares right at me. She drops everything she was holding and bolts to the fire.
"Davids here!!!" She yells. "Everybody! Go go go!!!"
Dang. I run after them, I get right on there tail, I scoop up Dolph, and I grab Ereds and Nurfs clothes from behind. Y/n keeps running ahead. Dang is she fast. I hurry after her, Nurf and Ered stay be my side. I speed up, I almost got her. Then she emerges from the trees to camp.
"Ered, Nurf, Dolph! Go let everyone out and tell everyone to stay here!" I order harshly.
They all look surprised and nod, they run off to the Mess Hall. I can hear the doors open and Max yelling.
"Y/n!! Keep going you got this!" Max yelled.
"Yah go girl, go!" Nikki yelled.
"Come on our run him!" Neil yelled.
All the children were chanting her name, she keep doing zig zags and such. Soon we were at the docks. She ran to the docks.
"Oh this was a really stupid idea" she said to herself.
"Come on y/n let's just be over with this!" Gwen yelled coming up behind me.
I looked at her with pleading eyes. She sighed and started walking towards us until she flew backwards. She tried getting up but was pushed back down. I ran to her but the force made me fly backwards into Gwen.
"Y/n!" I hear Max yell trying to get to her.
He was pushed backwards to onto me. I looked up to see a pale figure.
"Hi Davey" The pale figure said.

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