Chapter 18: Recovery

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David POV:
I must of dozed off in my chair. I looked outside, the sun wasn't up yet. I looked over at y/n and smiled. I got up, walked over to her and looked down at her. I pushed the hair out of her face and frowned. Who and why would someone not want someone like her? She is smart and such a fun person. The more I think about, I really should adopt her and Max obviously. I mean also him why would his parents just get rid of him!
Just thinking about made my body shake in anger. Why would parents just disown there children. While I ponder this I go to my dresser and pull out my pine tree pajamas. I go to the bathroom, change, and grab my log. I lumber off to my couch and as soon as I hit the couch I'm out.

-time skip to the morning-

I wake up to my beeping alarm. I quickly rush off my couch and smash the off button on it. I don't want y/n waking up. She should get her rest due to the last rough couple days. She shuffles a bit, I carefully grab a fresh outfit from my dresser and get dressed in the bathroom. I look at my clock and it's 6:12am. I get ready for the day ahead of me and the next time I look at my clock it's 7:00am. I walk out my cabin, looking over my shoulder to see y/n for one last time. I'll ask Gwen to look after her today. She's probably weak from all that blood lost. I make my rounds around the tents waking up campers. Once I go into Max's tent I see him sitting on his cot cradling his legs with his coffee mug in his hand.
"David!" Max shouts looking at me.
"Umm are you ok Max?" I ask him carefully.
"What the FUCK did you do with y/n!" He yells jumping off his cot.
"She's fine! Watch your language!" I exclaim fretfully.
"Where is she?!" He shouts, Neil is waking up grumpily.
"She's in my ca-" I begin to say as he tries to dart between my legs. "Hey!!!" I yell, I pick him up by the hood then hold him by his torso. "Max she is fine! She is healing!" I yell placing him down.
"From what?" He asks worriedly.
"Umm" is all I say. It's so sad! He is looking at me with his big, sad, eyes... No! I don't think she would want anyone to know. "She tripped due to a chair and a glass vase from my table in my cabin fell and cut her" i fib.
"Ok, whatever" he answers grumpily. He pushes me aside and starts walking to the Mess Hall. I get out of his tent and walk towards Gwen's cabin. When I get there I knock on her door-
"What the fuck you little shits wa-oh hi David" She yells then says with her hair in a towel and she is in her clothes already.
"Hey Gwen I was wondering if you could watch y/n for me because don't want her to do anything bad..." I begin then trail off.
"Ok I get it David" She answers placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Ok thanks, you know what the activity is today right?" I ask her about to walk off.
"Yah! Were doing archery!" She calls. "Geez this is going to end badly" she mutters loudly.
"I can hear you!" I call to her smiling.

Gwen POV:
David is going to need a day off soon. I don't know how he does it! Anyway I should head over to David's cabin. I pull my hair out of the towel and tie it up. I put on my lavender socks and boots. I grab a few magazines, and books for reading while I watch her. I step out of my cabin to see David's reddish brown hair bobbing up and down. I never realized how cute he can be... what god what am I thinking, we're just...friends. I sigh, I open David's cabin to see y/n passed out on his bed. What the-oh he slept on the couch, I see his stupid log. I walk over to his recliner and turn on the tv. I sit down and start to read my magazine watching The Kardashian's. I flip through the magazine looking at all the new trends and outfits these days. I hear a shuffle and I look over to see y/n waking up.

"Ughhh" I groan. My head hurts so much, I look over to see Gwen kicked back watching The Kardashian's and reading a magazine. She sets her magazine down and mute the tv.
"Hey are you ok?" She asks getting up.
"I'm fine, my head is pounding though" I say holding my head.
"Here, I have some Tylenol." She says grabbing the medicine bottle. She gets a bottle of water and she grabs two pills and hands them to me. "You probably will not feel good the next couple of days due to the lost of blood and not eating nor drinking."
I sigh and gulp down the pills and the whole bottle of water. I lay back down, my head is spinning and I just want to relax.
"Here I'm going to get you some food, hollar if you need me or David, ok?" She says walking away.
"Ok Gwen" I croak.
She smiles as she walks away, "Wait!" I yell my throat hurts.
"Yes y/n?" She asks.
"Can you grab me some fresh clothes from my tent, I would ask David by..." I say trailing off.
"Don't worry girl I got you" Gwen says winking as she walks away.
I sigh and lay down, I close my eyes and rest. Geez it's hard to rest to have the sun shining in your face. I sit up, I instantly becoming dizzy. I try to get off the bed and walk to the window but end up almost falling. I stumble to the window and close the curtains shut. I fall to the floor, my head is pounding. I feel like I'm about to...I pass out as I see the door open.

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