Chapter 21: A Deceased Friend

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David POV:
"Hi Davey" the pale figure said.
"W-what the?" I stammered.
"Davey it's me your old friend!" The pale figure exclaimed with false excitement.
The figure came into focus and color? Before me stood a little boy with shaggy brown hair and triangle shorts, with a yellow t-shirt and white sneakers.
"J-j-Jasper?!" I stammered in surprised.
"Yes Davey, I'm glad you remember me" Jasper sneered.
"What the fuck?! Jasper what the hell are you doing here!" Max yelled standing up.
"You know Jasper?!" I exclaimed surprised (again).
"Yes we met on spooky island!" Max exclaimed with a crack of lightning and thunder rolling across the sky.
"Oh hello Max, Nikki, Neil" Jasper said slyly.
"I'll deal with you guys later, but really what are you doing here?" I ask him getting up.
"I came for a friend" Jasper answered creepily.
"What?" I ask really confused.
"Do you know what it's like to be alone on that island. Living in Campbell old summer home with old people doing weird kinky sex!" He yelled, he looked like he was about to cry.
"Oh my" is all I said with concern.
"Now if you excuse me I'm taking someone to befall my faith for all those years ago." He answered walking off.
I stood up quickly realizing what he meant. Gwen got up to, we both tried to get to the campers but were shoved backwards.
"Oh I know! I'll choose you~" Jasper creepily exclaimed pointing at... y/n!
"No Jasper!" I called running to him.
"To late! I made up my mind! We're going to be best friends y/n!" Jasper exclaimed grabbing y/n.
The whole time she stood at the docks in shock until Jasper grabbed her.
"Put me down dead kid!" She screamed thrashing in his arms.
"Get ready David! I would start filing paperwork for a dead kid!" Jasper excitingly said, shimmering out of existence with y/n.
"Y/n!" Max yelled running to the docks. Before Jasper disappeared, he tried punching his face but his fist went through his face and Max fell into the lake.
Max surfaced and was gasping for air. I ran to the edge of the dock and helped him up, once on the dock he sat down breathing heavily.
"I have to go after her" he said.
"No I'm doing, I-i know Jasper better that anyone here." I answered standing up. "Watch the campers Gwen, I don't want to file papers on how somebody died tonight."
I jumped onto a motorized boat a set off. Please be ok y/n.

"Let me go!" I yelled as the kid Jasper carried me into a dark forest.
"No, friend anyway what is your name" he asked.
"Y/n" I mumbled.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Y/n" I said louder, annoyed.
"Pretty name" is all he said blushing slightly.
Hell nah, this dead kid better not have a crush on me.
"Where are you taking me?" I questioned.
"Somewhere" Jasper answered.
"Nah I thought we were going no where" I answered sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
Soon we showed up to a creepy summer home. This must be the place he was talking about at the docks. He headed to the house without stopping, not even to open the door. Shit! He's going to try to go through it with me in his hands. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but nothing happened.
"If I'm holding anything, I turn it ghostly like me and it can turn invisible, go through walls, stuff like that." He explained as if he read my mind.
"Ok, but am I a ghost?" I asked him.
"No, not yet anyway" he answered happily.
Pure shock ran across my face. He is going to kill me.
"Let me go! Don't kill me please!" I was crying thrashing around in his arms trying to get out of his grip.
"But y/n, it's so lonely, I need someone" Jasper answered with wide-eyes.
I shivered in fear as this monster carried me to a room with a four poster bed and other nice furnishings. Everything had an inch of dust on it, Jasper threw me on the bed. Dust flew everywhere, he turned around and walked out of the room closing the door without touching it. I got up and brushed the dust off, I tried the door, damn. It was locked I looked out the window, praying someone was going to help me.

David POV:
I reached shore, I got off the boat and ran into the forest. I ran to Campbell's old summer home. Don't worry y/n, I'm coming.

Jasper POV:
Damn it! When has he ever cared! I'm flying after David, seeing if he will find y/n.
"Don't worry y/n I'm coming" he mumbled.
Ha! He will never find her! Even though he's going to the summer home he will take forever finding what room she's in. I raced back to the the summer home. I soon arrived and went to the room she was in. I went through the wall, I was about to show myself until I heard her. She was singing? I looked, she was sitting at the window. Her h/l, h/c flowed down her back (if short I'm sorry). The moonlight shone on her s/c making her glow. I listened to what she was singing to. I know this song from hearing radios of neighboring camps. They would always change it but I always would hear the name of the song before they change it.

"That was good" I said walking up to her.
"Gah!" She yelled
"Come on" I said grabbing her hand.
She whimpered like she was in pain.
"What wrong?" I asked her.
"I don't want to die" she whispered.
"Oh! Come on it's not that bad!" I reassured. "Also I know what you've been doing to yourself and also how much you want to die, and now you can!" I exclaimed dragging her.
She stayed silent I picked her up, she didn't try to do anything. I smiled to myself knowing she was perfect. I glided out of the house calmly towards sleepy pike tree, until I saw David. She must have noticed David.
"David helped!" She screamed.
"Shut up!" I hissed, David turned his head towards us and his eyes grew wide.
"Y/n!" He yells running towards us.
"Shit!" I yell flying away fast.
Y/n was now thrashing, screaming and trying to punch me. I stopped flying and went into my human looking form and started running. I tripped on a rock and dropped y/n into some bushes. I heard David coming, I got up and ran. Hiding in some other bushes.

David's POV:
"Y/n!" I yell looking around for Jasper and her.
All of a sudden I hear screaming. I bolt towards the direction and stop abruptly. I looked down at y/n holding onto a branch with both arms yelling. She looked up and her eyes grew wide.
"David!" She yelled almost crying now.
"It's ok y/n I'm here" I soothed her reaching down.
"Don't mess up Davey" I hear a voice say.
"Jasper" I whisper.
"Don't let her slip from your hands like you did to me" He said slyly showing his face.
"I'm slipping!" Y/n yells.
I turn around and get down on my knees, I reach for her hands until all the memories started flooding back. Jasper falling, the bears, Campbell. I started freaking out, I felt like it was 1993 and Jasper was in the same position.
"David!!!!" Y/n screamed snapping me back to reality.
"Don't worry! I got you!" I yelled. I reached down and grabbed her arm, I felt a force pushing me away and making me lose my grip.
"Jasper! Stop! Please!" I shout, holding y/n tightly.
"Never! I need someone!" He screamed.
He pushed me away from y/n, she slipped out of my grasp.
"No!!!" I screamed scrambling to edge.
"It's fine David I'm fine, I caught the branch" y/n reassured.
"Just die!" Jasper yelled stomping on her fingers, crushing them.
She let go in pain, I pushed Jasper down the raven quickly and grabbed y/n before she fell to her death. I pulled her up, once she was on land she started coughing and breathing from holding herself up for so long. Soon I saw tears coming out of her eyes.
"Hey it's ok, I'm here, I will always protect you"  I said opening my arms.
She came over and hugged me, "thank you, David".

After we were done hugging, we got up and kind of ran back to the boat.
"Welp I'm scarred for life" I simply said climbing in into the motorized boat.
"Don't worry, I'll help you with anything your going through" David soothed as he started the boat. We sped off towards camp, with many worried campers along the shore.

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