Chapter 14: The Now Broken Child

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(This chapter contains suicidal thoughts and cutting and gore. You have been warned)
What the? What the hell was that. I felt Max turn around.
"What the fuck?!" He yells.
"Max! Language!" I hear David yell.
I whip my head around to see Nikki, Neil, and David sitting in the grass. We're they- oh my god.
"You fuckers!" I yell getting up and marching to them.
"Wait up y/n! I want to help you pound them!" Max yelled as I heard him scramble up and run to me.
"Oh shit!" Neil yells standing up. "Run Nikki!"
Nikki and David both stand up and they all go running. Max hands me something, it's my guitar with a flower on it. He then proceeds to sprint after them. Is funny to watch him run with his short legs. Well I can't say much. I look down at my legs and shrug, I then run after him. It soon was dark and I was trying to get my way back. Soon I get to camp and Max looks like he's about to beat the shit out of someone. I come up behind him.
"Whatever Max, let's just go to bed, I'm tired." I say rubbing my eyes. I yawn and start walking to my tent. Max meets me at the flap I stop him.
"Not tonight Max. Maybe tomorrow night?" I ask him.
He frowns, "ok y/n" he says walking away.
"Wait!" I yell to him.
I set my guitar down and go to my cot and grab Mr.Honeynuts. I walk to Max and give it to him.
"Here, he really is a good cuddler" I say handing it to him.
"Thanks y/n" He says. He kisses my forehead, "goodnight y/n"
"Goodnight Max" I say blushing a little.
I walk back into my tent and pull out all my long-sleeve shirts and sweaters. I'm shaking and I feel like something or someone is crushing me.
"I'm sorry Max" I say trembling. "I can't be happy" I smile weakly as I reach for my razor piece. I bring down the razor on my arm. I slice it through my skin, bright red blood starts dripping from the wound. Blood droplets are falling into the dirt bellow me.
"Shit" I whisper.
I look around and find some bandages David gave me, for emergencies. I grab them and wrap it around my wound. I smile weakly then I feel tears coming.
"I'm sorry Max" I whisper trembling.
- a couple days later (it's Tuesday, since that night was a Friday night)-
I am quieter now. When people try to talk to me I just ignore them and walk away. My cutting addiction is getting worse. I have them leading up my arms, and I'm short on bandages. All I wear now are long-sleeves and sweaters. I am not showing my arms to anyone, exceptionally Max. Lately his been trying to talk with me a bit and all that but I don't listen.
When I'm done in my tent I walk into the Mess Hall and sit down at a table by myself. Max try's to sit with me but I get up and walk away to another empty table. I feel people's eyes on me as I walk away. I get my phone out but before I turn on my phone I see my reflection in the black screen. My eyes that used to be bright and full of life, what my mom used to say, are now dull. I wear a permanent frown all the time. My eyebrows are always slanted making me seem mad at everything and one. I put my phone away and push my food away. I can tell I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since Sunday. I don't care anymore, then I hear someone's tray being set in front of me.
"Hey y/n" I hear Nerris say.
"What do you want?" I ask her rudely.
"Oh you seemed lonely, and I thought maybe you wanted someone to talk to you" she explains.
"Oh" is all I say. I don't want to be rude to Nerris actually.
"It's fine Nerris I-i just want to be alone." I tell her blankly.
"Oh...ok. Remember Y/n I'm here if you need someone to talk to" Nerris said getting up and leaving.
"Ok campers! It's time to do the activity for today!" David exclaimed.
I groan with everyone, yah I'm going to have to socialize today.
"Ok so today we will be-" David began to say until a crack of lightning and thunder rolled across the sky. Then it started down pouring, occasionally a cat or dog would fall out of the sky. I don't understand how that's even possibly.
"Never mind." David grumbles then shooting back up. "You know what! Today is a free day inside the Mess Hall!" He exclaimed walking back towards Gwen to talk with her.
I sigh and pull out my phone. Everyone begins to stand up and go to do whatever everyone does. I stand up and go lean against a wall, eventually I slide down. I decided to play Helix Jûmp. (Sorry I don't know if it copyright or not) I sigh when I head someone walking towards me. I pull my hood over my head and over my face. Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me.
"Hey y/n" Neil says sitting down.
I ignore him.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
I ignore him again, focusing on my game.
"You can't ignore me forever, I'm not going to disappear" he says.
"I wish I could" I say, shit did I say that out load?!
"Why?" He asks.
"I-i rather not explain" I stamper quickly going back to my game.
"Oh, ok I'm going to hangout with Nikki and Max. Want to come?" He says offering me a hand.
"No" I shortly say.
"Oh...ok. You can join us anytime." He says walking away.

Neil POV:
"Hey Max, where's Nikki?" I ask Max.
"Getting pudding, what did y/n say?" He asks.
"Nothing really" I lie to him.
"Oh ok" he answers.
Then it hit me, "have you found dirt on harrison?" I ask him.
"Oh yah sorry, I meant to tell you like a week ago." He says pulling out photos, like not on his phone.
"How did you-?" I started ask but to be cut off.
"Don't ask how I got them like this now take them or leave them." He snaps waving them.
"I'll take them" I say snatching them.
"Good now get me a week off of activities." He shoots walking away.
Shit how am I going to do that?! Anyway I look down at the picture and see Harrison putting a rabbit into his hat from a cage nearby. The same card 52 times in a deck, and him putting doves in his jacket. Ohh this we'll be good.
(If you guys don't understand. The rabbit means it's been in there the whole time and not appearing out of thin air. The doves also mean they didn't appear out of thin air.)

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