Chapter 12: Sweet Dreams

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Max POV:
I get up off the stump and run like hell. Damn my short legs, I emerge out of the woods out of breath and I can feel people's eyes on me. I run to David out of breath panting, "Daniel, in the, woods, crazy".
"Woah, woah, woah, Max? Daniel in the woods? I don't believe that" David answers me looking down at me.
This bastard, he doesn't fucking believe me?!
"Really?! Come on David I would know what Daniel fucking looks like, cause his tried to kill me twice!" I shout at him getting really angry.
"Well Max the second time he was dressed like me..."David answers trailing off.
Y/n walks out of the Mess Hall, I'm guessing she's wondering what all the commotion is.
"What's going on Max?" Y/n calls out to me carrying my painting I gave to her.
"I fucking saw Daniel! And this bastard won't believe me!!" I yell pointing at David.
"Max!! Language!!!" David says pointing a finger. "Max and y/n to my cabin now!" David almost yells which made me jump. I've never really heard David mad before.
We follow him into his cabin.
"Sit on the bed guys" David told us.
We sat on the bed without making a sound.
"Look Davi-" I started to say but was cut off.
"What does Daniel look like?" Y/n asks.
"Daniel looks like David's twin but also your typical cult leader. White three button shirt with a collar and two pockets on either side, white pants, and white shoes. He has the same exact hair as David except it is blonde like almost white blonde." I explain to her.
"Oh ok I've just been wondering, t- thank you Max" she answers stuttering a little.
"Ok, Max, Daniel is not in the woods." David tells me slowly. "You were probably seeing things.
"No I really saw him David!! I heard someone walking." I yelled at him.
"It was probably an animal, and did you get a clear picture of him?" David asks.
"No it was all a flash" I confess.
"Now Max you probably wee seeing things, you should get more sleep tonight alright." David tells me.
Oh shit I just remembered, my violin.
"Ok David, sorry" I quietly mumbled.
"What was that Max?" David asks.
"Sorry" I mumble again.
"Oh ok, it's ok Max. Can you bring Max to his tent y/n?" David said.
"O-ok David" y/n stutters.

I walked Max back to his tent, I still had Daniel on my mind. It's weird but I don't like how Max got scared. He never really gets scared. Soon we arrive at his tent.
"Hey I've got to go back in the woods" he says.
"Why?" I ask.
"I left my violin" He answers shortly.
"Oh I can go get-" I say but get cut off.
"No!!" He yells. "Sorry I do trust the woods at this moment in time." He looks over at the woods worried. "L-Let's go together." He stutters as he walks toward the woods.
"Oh ok then" I answer. First I went and put the painting in my tent and ran to Max.
We are walking in the woods and every sound made me jump slightly. I don't want to meet Daniel at all. Soon we came to the clearing where I first played my song at camp. He picks up his violin and we walk away.
We arrive back at camp and Max goes to his tent.
"Hey, thanks for coming with me y/n" he thanks me walking into his tent.
No insults, name calling, or rudely tone. Is Max, being nice to me now? I walk into my tent and sit down on the cot, pondering the statement. Then I hear a rustle outside my tent and I shot straight up. I looked out and Max appeared at the tent flap.
"Hey can I have a sleepover?" He asks nicely.
What, the fuck, is going on?
"Umm sure" I answer awkwardly.
He walks in and sits down on the ground, looking up at me.
"Sorry, is this awkward for you? I can leave" he says standing up. 
"What! No s-stay here! Please." I answer stuttering.
"O-oh ok" he stutters blushing. He lays his blanket on the ground. He turns around to face me. We both stare at each other awkwardly.
"Soooo" i say.
"Sooo" He answers.
All of a sudden I hear giggling and whispering. I get up to look outside my tent flap and I hear scurrying and almost running sounds. I run out, I quickly look around and I don't see anyone- or thing. I go back in the tent and Max gives me a questioned look.
"I heard giggling, but I guess it was my imagination." I answer.
"Oh" Max answers yawning. "I'm going to bed".
"Oh ok me to" I answer. I go lay in my cot and close my eyes. I hear rustling and I feel someone climbing into my cot. I peeked my eyes open and, it's Max. He checks if I'm awake and act like I'm asleep. He shrugs his shoulders and climbs behind me. He wraps his arm around me. I snuggle in closer to him, accepting his warmth. He seems surprised but then relaxes.
"Good-night y/n" he whispers into my ear.
"Good-night Max" I whisper to him.
-in the morning-
I hear snaps of dead twigs on the ground. I wake up and yawn, I check the time and it's 7:00. All of a sudden I realized, shit!!
"Max get out! David's coming!" I whisper yell to him.
"Oh shit!" He whispers jumping out of my cot and hiding underneath it.
"Good morning y/n! It's time to wake up but it seems you already are so go to the Mess Hall" David says walking away.
I sigh of relief and Max rolls out from underneath my cot.
"Well then" he says looking up at me. Then I hear a snap of a camera.
"Got you, you little shit" I hear Gwen say.

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