Chapter 14

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Floyd's POV

After we visited The Board, they decided it would be best if I handled The Cup. I seemed to be the only one who could resist its charms and Sebastian told them that he trusts me completely. Now, Matilda, lance, and I are heading back to our dorms. Sebastian stayed behind to talk to The Board. I think he's telling them that he plans on going back to Bargeria. I hope he's telling them that I'm coming as well because no matter what, I'm sticking to his side.

About an hour later, Sebastian joins me in my room. I'm laying on my bed. He walks over to me quietly. I don't notice him at first because I'm reading a book. I notice him right away when he straddles my waist though.  I drop my book on the floor and look up at him.

"Hey," I whisper. He grins down at me and lays on my chest. His arms wrap around my neck as he whispers in my ear. "We leave for home in two weeks." My breath catches and I still. My heart beat quickens and I release a brilliant smile. "Really? That's great!" I wrap my arms around his waist and flip us over. Gently laying on top of him, I pepper his face with kisses. He laughs and pushes my face back. "The Board requests that we take The Cup back with us. They said that it's safest with you. They also want you to train someone else to resist it's charm so that it will always be safe and unused," he informs me.

"Okay," I whisper. My mind is already on other things. How am I supposed to concentrate when the person I love is laying underneath me in such a suggestive way.

Make out scene that goes a lil far. Not much though.

Unable to control myself, I close the distance between us and press our lips together. This time, I'm the one biting his bottom lip. He groans as I pull back enough to move my lip to his jaw. I kiss and nibble on the taunt flesh I find there. He grips my back as I turn the pale skin a bright shade of red. I continue to suck on his neck, turning it purple. He whimpers when I pull away but it's only to pull his shirt off. His pale skin shines in the dorm lights. I lean back in and kiss my way to his collarbone. I lightly bite his sensitive flesh making him squirm beneath me. I let out a breathy laugh and he shivers.

All of his reactions are so prominent and I can't get enough of them. I bring my hand up and slowly rub his hard nipple. Bringing his hand up to my hair, he moans. Sebastian pulls my hair as I continue to twist and tease him. I moan when he tugs my my hair sharply. I bring my head down to his nipple that I'm not already torturing. His lets out a breathy moan when I lick it. "F-Floyd," He moans out. When I hear him say my name, I get even more excited. Slowly, I rub my crotch into his. His back arches as he cries out.

Slightly nervous I start to reach my hand down towards his excited member. I hesitate a little bit. I'm not sure if either of us are ready for this. I mean, we haven't been together that long, but we've both had feelings for the other for a while. Plus, I kind of want to wait till we're home.

Clenching my teeth, I pull my hand back up. Hesitantly, I say. "I don't think now's a very good time for this Sebs." He lets out a very frustrated groan. "I know you're right," he answers, "But that doesn't mean I want you to be right. I'm gonna go take a shower." He pushes me off and stands up. Slowly and carefully, he walks over to the bathroom and closes the door. A few minutes later, I hear the water start to run in the shower.

I groan in frustration as I lay on my back. God, I can't wait till we get home.

Scene over

Two weeks later

The past two weeks have consisted of packing, make out sessions, frustration, and farewells. Matilda and Lance decided that they're coming with us. Voltriss is gone now. He wasn't able to drink from The Cup, so he returned to his real age. He was so old that he instantly shriveled into a crisp and died. The news spread quickly and his army gave themselves up. Since the Vile Armies aren't a threat anymore, they're not immediately needed. If any of us are needed, they'll just call for us and we'll be on our way.

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