Chapter 10

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Three weeks later

Floyd's POV

I see a blaster ship fly towards me as I swoop out of a Vile Army's soldier's fire rang. Sebastian is with Matilda and lance right now. I was heading back to the main Cancer spaceship from a visit to my family. Lance, Matilda, and Sebastian are on the ship. I was on a solo mission that happened to be on Bargeria. I decided to stop by my house for a few days since I was in the area.

I also went over to my boyfriend's house. I explained everything to him. I explained my gender, how I feel about him, and what I've been doing. He seemed to understand, and we've both decided it's best if we're just friends.

Now, I'm in the middle of a battle. It's not just a small scale one either. It's a full-on massive attack. It's on the planet Chrome. Chrome is the third biggest planet. It's very rich in gold and silver.

This attack is huge. It covers a fourth of the giant planet. It must be a very important battle as well because Voltriss's ship is planted on the planet. As soon as I see his elaborate spaceship I get a terribly good idea.

After flying high above all the other fliers, I slowly and stealthily make my way to the ship. Fighters and equipment are pouring out of it. The impenetrable force field that usually surrounds it is down. When I'm about one hundred feet from it, I circle to the back of the ship. There aren't as many fighters here to see me land. I land on the ground and quickly exit the single passenger space traveler. I run behind a boulder a few feet away right before a lone fighter runs over to inspect the traveler.

Quietly, I sneak up behind a secluded fighter. Unsheathing the eight-inch hunting knife I always have, I jump onto the fighters back. Before he can make a noise to alert others of my presence, I slit his throat. Grabbing him under his armpits, I drag him back under the cover of the boulder.

I quickly strip him and myself. Pulling on his pants, I follow suit with the rest of his clothing. When I'm all dressed, I pull my hair into a ponytail. My bangs cover my eyes as I wrap his bandana around my head. I grab all of his weapons and strap them onto my body. When I'm finished, I have an F2000 Rifle, a bow and quiver on my back, multiple knives tucked into my clothing, and a blade strapped to my waste.

Taking a deep breath, I step out from behind the boulder. Standing tall, I walk around the ship and to its front. Joining the line, I slowly follow other fighters inside the spaceship. Following them down a long hallway, I take the first turn I can. Walking faster, I open the first door that's unlocked and slip inside. I press my back against the door and let out a sigh of relief. I made it on the ship, now I just have to find Voltriss and an escape pod.

The easiest way to find Voltriss is to find the main deck. There, they'll have a security system and a model of the ship.

Taking another deep breath I open the door and go back into the hallway. I head deeper into the ship, opening door after door on the way. Most main decks are in the center of the ship, but I don't want to accidentally miss it. After about twenty minutes of running around like a headless chicken and avoiding fighters, I finally open the right door.

I quickly grab my F2000 and shoot the five fighters inside. After going around the room to make sure they're all dead and that the room in secure, I step up the dashboard. It has many buttons so I stand there for a little bit pressing buttons. Finally, I press a button and a scan of the building pops up. A heat sensor also pops up. I can see that most people are on the first floor like me. I quickly scan the 3D image. Almost all the way at the top, I see an area that had no one in it. Except in the very corner.

The only thing is, it's not a normal heat pattern. The colors aren't reds, yellows, and blues. They're black, purple, and browns. I take a deep breath as I recognize the colors and patterns from school. They show immortality.

Immortality is a strange thing. You're alive, but you're not. You don't need food or water, but you can die. Depending on how you're immortal, you can be killed by a stab to the heart or fire. In Voltriss's case, you kill him by not letting him drink The Cup.

The Cup is what makes him immortal. He drinks it's contents once a day. As soon as he drinks it, his youth and health are restored. Every night, the Cup refills itself. He dies if he goes even one day without drinking it.

I pull up the 3D diagram of the room he's in on the heat sensor. From the looks of it, he's in his bed sleeping. I scan the print one more time, memorize the quickest route, and am on my way.

I have one more floor to go when a blistering pain in the back of my head shoots through my brain as I feel someone pull my ponytail from behind. They grab my waist and pull me against them as I gasp in surprise and pain. I squirm as I try to get out of their grasp. They're very strong for how small they feel.

"Stop moving."

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