Chapter 4

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Matilda doesn't say anything as she continues to stare at me. Slowly, she walks towards me and starts to lean closer. I see her nose wiggle a little and I realize she's smelling me. I jerk back in fear and anxiety. She continues to walk closer to me as she asks, "Why are you so nervous? What are you hiding?" The second question she growls out, and I can see her teeth becoming sharp. She's not a shifter because if she was, she'd be paired with Lance. She must not be fully human. That's not good news for me.

You see, females, in general, have a stronger sense of smell. But if she's not fully human, it's likely to be even stronger. If Matilda continues to smell me, she'll notice that I'm actually a girl. That's right, biologically, I'm a female. By choice, I'm a male. I actually define myself as non binary, but I prefer male pronouns and I dress as a male. I'll sometimes dress as a female, but not often.

Right now though, I have a problem. No one except my family knows I'm biologically a female. I've been non binary for as long as I can remember. The first years of my life I didn't have to worry about it because the elves believe that those who see through the eyes of both genders are blessed. After I turned ten, I was sent to shifter school. I was bullied for a really long time, but my parents never fond out. It often got really carried away.

Now that I'm at Cancer, I have no idea how people will accept it. I especially don't know how a suspicious angry female will act. I think she suspects that something is different about me. If she gets any closer, she'll realize that she's right. You see, normally I don't smell like a female. This week though, I'm on a natural flow that I unfortunately have because of my biological female body.

If she finds out I'm biologically a female, I doubt she'll ever like me. She strikes me as the type of person who likes to be over everyone else. She also probably won't let me near Lance. Not that I would really care. I'm obviously more interested in Sebastian. But we probably won't work out since he's probably not gay. I'll just have to deal with being alone forever.

I just don't want to go through the pain I went through at school. It's been years, and I'm still not over it.

I try not to back down as Matilda proceeds toward me. I don't want her to smell me, but I don't want her to think I'm weak either. "Matilda, relax," I hear Sebastian say as he sets his hand on her arm in a reassuring way. "Why don't we start introductions," he states more than asks.

"Floyd, this is Matilda, Lance's wife. She often works with us on the battlefield. Usually on the floor, because it's easier for me to maneuver with just Lance, my handler, on my back. Matilda, this is Floyd. He's a newbie shifter in Cancer. We recently discovered that we share a mind technique. I've actually been thinking that you could be his handler. This way, Lance can mind me and I can mind Floyd. All four of us can always be in contact and we won't have to worry so much about each other. Plus, you'll be with someone on the battlefield so Lance will be less worried." My eyes widen as he continues to talk. Sebastian wants me to be a part of his trio!

A trio is two duos who come together to form a bigger team. Trios aren't all that popular because most duos aren't compatible with other duos.

When Sebastian stops talking, I look at Matilda. She's already looking at me. I can see the suspicion and uncertainty in her eyes. "If we're going to be a trio, you need to tell us what you're hiding," she says as she points at me.

I feel a bead of sweat roll down my back as I gulp. Sebastian sighs and asks, "What are you talking about Matilda? Floyd isn't hiding anything. He's just a normal shifter." I wince as I hear him say this.

"What was that?" asks Lance. I look at him and I realize he saw me wince. On instinct, I glare at him and cross my arms. Not wanting to sound childish, I hold back my response of 'why should I tell you?'

"Floyd," starts Sebastian, "If this is going to work out, you have to tell us what's going on."

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the gentle look he's giving me, or the kindness in his voice or the way he's still holding back Matilda. I'm not sure, but either way, I gave in.

"I was born a girl, but now I'm non binary and I prefer male pronouns. I'm also bisexual, but I prefer males. I'm not a dragon shifter and I'm not fully human. I'm half elf half human. I shift into a winged horse. My ability is creating electrolytes." I relent in a monotone voice. I'm definitely not ready for the hate that's about to come. I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

But I can't deal with it right now. Not bothering to excuse myself, I turn around and walk out of the infirmary door. I distantly hear Sebastian call out to me, but I'm already too far gone. All I can comprehend is getting to my room.

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