Chapter 11

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Floyd's POV

I instantly freeze when I hear the voice growl out those words. They quickly drag me backward and into a dark room as I remain unable to move. When we get inside the room, they let me go and turn the lights on.

"What are you doing here," Sebastian hisses. "I could ask you the same thing," I reply. Sebastian snorts and explains that he's on a mission. Apparently, he was sent by Cancer to sneak on board and steal The Cup. This had been a secret plan for a while. The Moral Armies had been waiting for a time when they caught Voltriss's ship on the ground. Today, all the conditions are right, so they launched an attack.

"But that doesn't explain why you're here," says Sebastian.

Sighing I say, "I was heading back from Bargeria and I saw the ship. I was going to go to Volrtiss's room and kidnap him."

I squirm when I see the disbelief on Sebastian's face. "And how were you planning on overpowering Voltriss?"

I glumly shrug my shoulders and look down. Sighing, Sebastian says, "Well, it's too late to turn back now. You'll just have to come with me." "Okay," I say.

After Sebastian drops me off at the space shuttle he drove inside of Voltriss's spaceship, he goes to find The Cup. I stand outside of the space shuttle. The driver and passenger seat doors are both open. As soon as Sebastian gets back, we'll take off.

After about thirty minutes I hear the distant sound of blasters, running, and shouting. I stand up straight from my slouched position of leaning against the shuttle. The noises keep getting closer and closer. Finally, I hear Sebastian yell, "Start the shuttle, Flo!"

I don't take the time to feel my heart squeeze at the nickname. I sprint around the small shuttle and hop in. Closing the driver's door but not the passenger's door I turn on the ignition. The ship shutters a little as blasters hit its rear. The engines charge up as Sebastian dives into his seat. Before he even closes the door, I put the shuttle in first gear and take off. Speeding up as fast as I can I zoom out of the hanger.

Alarms start to blare as we fly away. The fighters who were shooting at us are now in ships. They turn on the ship blasters and fire at us again. Swirling and zooming, I try my best to avoid their fires. When we're far enough away from the planet, I flip a red switch. A black hole appears in front of us. As soon as we blast through it, I flip the switch off so the others can't follow us. The black void we're in disappear and we emerge unscathed thousands of miles away.

Breathlessly, I ask Sebastian, "Did you get it?" I look at Sebastian as he looks at me. I only get a half second to register the look of confidence on his face, because all of a sudden, he's leaning in.

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