Chapter 9

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The next day

Floyd's POV

With my arms crossed, I quickly follow after Sebastian. We're currently walking through the aisles of the auditorium towards Matilda and Lance. The Board called everyone on the ship into the vast auditorium now as the Meet Hall. No one seems to know what the meeting is about but it must be something important. Matilda told me that they only have a meeting two or three times a year. This meeting was very sudden and Matilda hasn't been able to squeeze information out of anyone. It seems like only The Board themselves know what's going to happen at the meeting.

After Sebastian and I join Matilda and Lance and everyone else has settled in, the aircraft captain from my first day walks onto the stage. I look around in confusion and see everyone else doing the same. I've never been to a meeting but I do know that this isn't how they start.

Clearing his throat, the captain says into the microphone, "I know you're confused, but please calm down. I would like to start by saying that this is not an emergency. There are just a few things that need to be discussed. I'd also like to say that this meeting is not held by The Board... it's held by The Bleak One."

Gasps fill the air and heads turn to us as the captain gestures Sebastian forward. Rising, Sebastian grabs my hand and pulls me to the stage. My face pales as i cling to his hand like a life line. I have no idea what 's about to happen or why Sebastian is bringing me up to the stage. Trying to ignore the gawking stares we are getting, we climb up the stairs and walk to the middle of the stage.

Once everyone has stopped whispering, Sebastian starts. "Some of you probably don't know this, but Floyd is gay." As I stand in shock along with everyone else, my face turns as red as a cherry. "Some of you also don't know," Sebastian continues, "That for the past while, Floyd has been harassed for this. He's been attacked by more than one person while he was by himself, threatened, and had his head bashed into a wall. I've called this meeting to say that this needs to stop. It is wrong and unjust to treat someone that way. Especially for something they have no control over. And this does not just pertain to Floyd. If I see or hear about anyone being bullied for any real zone, wether it be gay or something else, you will have to deal with me. We are Battle's Court1 we stand and fight for the freedom and protection of life! We are above bullying, and I will not continue to let it go on! We are here to help others, not hurt them. See to it that that's actually what we're doing."

After letting in words settle, he turns towards me. Grabbing my waist, he pulls me towards him. Tilting his head, he places his thumb on my lips and kisses it. I can here the gasps and whispers, along with a few wolf whistles, from the crowd. But i'm more focused on how close Sebastian is t me. It doesn't even matter that his thumb is in-between our lips. He so close and his head is tilted so that the crowd can't see his finger. He pulls away and I'm left wondering.

Was that just for show? Was He trying to tell something? Is he gay?What does this mean for us? Will our relationship change?

I'm brought from my thoughts when I trip forward. Collecting myself I realize that I'm on the stares, and Sebastian is guiding me towards the exit. I honestly have no clue what just happened. One minute, Sebastian was talking, and the next, he was the stage kissing me.

As soon as we leave the mess of noise in the Meet hall for the quiet of the hallway, Sebastian speaks. "I'm really sorry about that. it sort of just happened. But I didn't know if you'd been kissed before, and i didn't want to steal your first one, so I sort of just faked it. I'm sorry if you get pesters about it. I can tell everyone to back off. Just le-"

"Sebastian," I interupt, "It's fine. I understand. We can just pretend it never happened"

He looks at me and i stare i see sadness, but It's gone as soon as I see it. He's not disappointed in my response. He can't possibly be. Right?

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