Chapter 2

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Sebastian's POV

         I hear the door open and I smell the captain as he walks in. I also smell a sweet honey scent. Curious, I turn my head to see who is with the captain. As soon as I see the young man accompanying him, the breath is knocked out of me.

          Standing next to the now forgotten captain is a complete, and total treat. One of his eyes is hazel and the other is gray. They're both shining like gems, as are the many piercings on his face. As he looks at me, I see his jaw slacken in shock. I notice his swollen lips that have snake bite piercings and the piercing on his tongue. I can see elvish ears poking out of his hair which is white, but I can see his black roots starting to grow in. At the moment his hair is messy and covering part of his face. It's long enough that I'm sure he can pull it into a ponytail, and I can see a ponytail holder on his wrist along with many bracelets. I also see a black choker on his neck. It looks like it's made of silk. He's wearing black knee-high boots and tight black jeans that have belts and buckles on them. He has a Black Veil Brides long sleeve shirt on and black suspenders that aren't on his shoulders, but hang down to his knees. He looks skinny and about 5'8''. All in all, he's a totally hot emo.

 All in all, he's a totally hot emo

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Floyd's pants

Color of Floyd's hair; but his is a little shorter

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Color of Floyd's hair; but his is a little shorter

         I try to get my breath back as I hear the captain say, "Hey Bleaky. I got your newbie here." Trying not to let the boy affect me, I let out a loud breath and turn away from them. I close my eyes as I attempt to get his image out of my head without much success.

Floyd's POV

           I can't believe it! I'm going to go to the War Zone with The Bleak One. As I stare in slight shock, he lets out a gruff breath of air and turns back around. The captain gestures at me to follow him as he walks towards The Bleak One. "Don't mind him," he says, "He's always grumpy in dragon form." As we reach him, I suddenly hear a low-frequency wave that makes my brain rattle. The frequency is so loud and intense that I see even the captain, someone who should be used to frequencies by now, pause. As the frequency keeps going, I see all the dragons start to get restless. Especially The Bleak One. He stands up and starts to walk over to the half circle. "Wait, Bleaky. Take the newb with you." The captain calls out. The Bleak One pauses and gruffs out, "He'll just get in the way."

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