Chapter Forty Five

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Third Person P.O.V

After talking to Betty, FP grabbed Hog Eye and the two of them drove as quickly as possible to where Penny was hiding out. They abandoned the car and started to search for their children. It was way out past the still lit bonfire that they found Crystal and Jughead. They were left to die on the ground, covered in their own blood and Crystals clothes were torn so her dad instantly knew what had happened. The two men didn't even attempt to hide their tears as they rushed to check on the fallen teenagers. When he realised Jughead still had a pulse, FP let out a happy sigh and looked to Hog Eye in the hope that Crystal had a pulse as well.

His worse fears were confirmed when he saw Hog Eyes face. The look of heartbreak was clear to see when he realised his daughter, his Queen, his Crystal, was dead.

'We have to get them out of here' FP said softly, trying to be brave for his friend.

'I can't' Hog Eye cried.

'We have to, we can't leave Crystal here, she deserves more'

FP finally convinced Hog Eye to move Crystal. Each of them carefully picked up their child and slowly carried them back to where they had left the car. The rest of the Serpents were there waiting, they had followed FP and Hog Eye almost immediately and were anxiously waiting to see Jughead and Crystal again.

Archie and Betty had just joined them when FP and Hog Eye appeared through the smoke of the fire that had now gone out. Screams could be heard from Toni and Betty as they saw the lifeless bodies, even Sweet Pea and Kicks made small noises of protest at the sight of their best friend in the arms of her dad.

Both men dropped to the ground, tears in their eyes as the Serpents gathered around them.

'We need to get Jughead to the hospital' FP told Betty.

'Of course, I'll help you with him' she agreed immediately.

'What about Crystal?'' Sweet Peas broken voice asked.

'She didn't make it' FP answered him, knowing Hog Eye wouldn't be able to say the words yet.

Silence fell over the Serpents at the news. Their Queen was dead and it was all the Ghoulies fault.

It was Archie who took charge of the situation, knowing no one else in the group would be able to function clearly.

'Mr Hog Eye sir, we need to take Crystal to the hospital too. I was thinking that you could go with FP, Jughead, and Betty and that I could take your car home if you like' the boy offered.

Hog Eye nodded his head and walked to the car like a zombie. He still hadn't said a word to anybody.

They arrived at the hospital and Jughead was taken into intensive care straight away but Hog Eye didn't want to let Crystal go.

'You need to let go Hog Eye, they need to look after her' Sweet Pea told him quietly.

He did it.

He let the doctors take his daughter away and then he dropped to the floor, curling into a ball and wishing he could squeeze away the pain he was feeling. None of the Serpents moved to comfort him, they knew it wouldn't help so they stood around him quietly, holding onto each other as they mourned the loss of their Queen.

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