Chapter Forty Four

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*little authors note here, this chapter has a trigger warning for some people. It's only a really small section and it's in no way graphic or anything but yeah, you've all been told!!*

We were 10 minutes away from the meeting point when I made Jughead stop.

'Wait Jug, I want to make a video for the Serpents. In case we don't make it' I told him.


'Yeah, I only had time to say goodbye to FP and my dad and it wasn't a real goodbye so this may be my only chance. And the Serpents have been my family since I was born' I explained.


He didn't ask me any more questions, just sat with me and filmed my goodbyes. I just wished that I didn't actually need it and I could delete it after all this was over.

'The sacrificial lambs arrive' Penny said gleefully when she saw us.

'I'll remind you of the deal I made with your boss, Hiram Lodge' Jughead said to her, 'We hand ourselves over and there's no bloodshed tomorrow'


The Ghoulies approached us and we began to fight them, it didn't work well, the two of us against thirty or so of them. I could faintly hear Jughead being punched by the Ghoulies but I soon became distracted as I got held down by several Ghoulies and Malachai stood over me.

'This may hurt Serpent Queen' he said, an evil glint in his eye.

I realised what he was about to do and tried to scream but I was held down tighter and a hand covered my mouth. I closed my eyes to try and block out the pain as my clothes were cut away from me and Ghoulie after Ghoulie abused my body. With every new Ghoulie, came at least 10 new cuts carved into my skin. The last thing I remember before blacking out was blood running out of my body.

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