Chapter Twenty Seven

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Our third day at school on the Northside wasn't much better than the first two. Principal Weatherbee gave us 'uniforms' to wear that were supposed to help us fit in more but they made us stand out worse than ever before. Fangs refused to wear it and was promptly suspended so Sweet Pea, Kicks, Toni, and I were the only ones holding fort when Jughead turned up minus his Serpent jacket.

'What the hell guys?' he asked when he saw us.

'Weatherbee gave them to us' Toni explained 'Said he understood that not every Southside student had the means to purchase Riverdale High - acceptable clothes'

'He reckons it will help us fit in which is bullshit and I have to wear these stupid frigging bracelets to hide my Serpents tattoo' I rolled my eyes.

'Where's Fogarty?' Jughead asked.

'He wouldn't wear it. So they got rid of him and the others just decided not to come in' Sweet Pea supplied.

'So our choices are conform or be cast out?' Jughead scoffed.

'Hey man, we know it sucks but this is the way we seem to roll now' Kicks shrugged.


Jughead, Toni, and I went to Pop's after school for milkshakes and so I could see F for a little while as he worked. I forgot Toni and I were still wearing the ridiculous uniforms so we got our fair share of strange looks from people in the diner.

'What the hell are you girls wearing?!' FP asked when he came over to take our orders.

'New uniforms to help us fit in at Northside High' Toni explained.

'She's bitter because she can't pull it off as well as I can' I bragged proudly.

'You do look kinda cute in it' FP agreed.

'Ugh dad, can you not please!' Jughead protested.

'Alright, what can I get you guys then?'

We ordered milkshakes and a portion of fries to share which came over 10 minutes later. We discussed our new school as we ate, Toni and I were extremely impressed by what they could offer is compared to the school on the Southside but Jughead still wasn't convinced. He felt like we had no place at Northside High which was true considering we controlled Southside High over the Ghoulies. He left Toni and I shortly afterwards saying he had come p with a plan and I was curious to know what it was. Toni and I ordered another round of milkshakes just as Kevin and Betty entered Pop's and spotted us.

'Hey guys, mind if we join you?' Betty asked when they walked over to us.

'Not at all' I responded, glancing over at Toni.

'Here's your milkshakes girls' FP said, placing them on the table, 'Betty, Kevin, can I get you anything?'

They also ordered milkshakes so after a quick wink thrown my way, FP walked back to the kitchen.

'Oh my God!' Kevin exclaimed 'I thought Jughead was lying about you and his dad but he wasn't!'

'I told you he wasn't' Betty reminded him.

'What's the big deal?' Toni asked them 'It's not like they're any different to any other couple'

'Except FP is her friends father. It's wonderfully delicious' Kevin said happily.

'I knew FP long before I knew Jughead so it's honestly not that weird!' I protested.

'If it involves you then it probably is weird Crystal' FP commented as he brought Kevin and Betty's drinks over.

'They, well, Kevin, is fascinated by the idea of you and I being together' I supplied for him.

'A lot of people are' he shrugged and walked away.

'Well damn, wish I knew that before now' I muttered.

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