Chapter Twenty Three

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Dad and I woke up around eight to exchange our presents for each other. Dad bought me some Pandora rings I had been looking at and I got him some music he'd wanted for a while. It was small but perfect and then we went to open the Wyrm for the Serpents who celebrated Christmas there if they didn't have much of a family to celebrate with.

It was mid afternoon when Sweet Pea, Fangs, Kicks, Toni, and I were sat in a corner of the Whyte Wyrm so we could exchange Christmas presents with each other. We had originally planned o a secret Santa type thing but gave up once we realised we had too many ideas for each other!

Sweet Pea bought me a new pocket knife, Fangs got me a new bike helmet, Kicks bought me a Serpents denim jacket, and from Toni, I got some boots I'd been looking at months ago.

Once we'd finished exchanging presents we decided to stay and play some Christmas drinking games which really didn't end well!

I was walking back to my trailer, hands full of presents when I saw Jughead in front of me.

'Jughead, wait up!' I shouted.

'Hey Crystal, you heading home?'

'Yeah, feel like walking with me?' I asked 'We had a little to drink as well' I giggled.

'Sure thing but come to my trailer first?' he asked.

'You tryna get your way with me Jones?' I teased, watching him turn bright red 'What would your daddy say to that?'

'Please don't call him my daddy Crystal, it's very creepy'

We were both laughing still as we made it to his trailer. I dumped my things next to me as I crashed on the sofa and waited for Jughead to reappear from wherever he had disappeared to.

He came back a few minutes later with a small box in his hands.

'What's this?' I asked him as he handed it over to me.

'Merry Christmas' he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.


'Yeah, I saw it and thought it would be perfect'

I opened the box and inside was the most beautiful golden necklace with the word 'Queen' written on it and a small crown at the end.

'It's beautiful Jughead, thank you so much!' I said happily, taking it out the box, 'Will you put it on for me?'

I moved my hair out of the way as Jughead fastened it around my neck.

'I love it Jughead, thank you' I continued to smile like a Cheshire Cat as the door to the trailer opened and FP came in.

'Hey guys, didn't expect to see you today Crystal' he said.

'Jughead kidnapped me' I explained 'But I can leave if you don't want me' I teased.

'Stay Crystal' he rolled his eyes at me as he came and sat beside me on the sofa, 'These your Christmas gifts?' he asked, looking at my gifts.

'Yep, don't tell them but my gifts from Sweet Pea and Toni are my favourite' I announced, showing him them.

'And the necklace?'

'From Jughead' I smiled 'Who should probably walk me home like he promised'

I stood up and gathered the presents in my arms once more.

'I'll walk you back, Jughead can stay here' FP announced.

'Sweet, later Jughead'

We left the trailer and I shivered as we were met with a cold winter breeze. FP and I walked to my trailer and he gave me a quick kiss.

'Merry Christmas Crystal'

'Merry Christmas FP, see you tomorrow'

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