Chapter Three

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Days passed following the same routine, school, Whyte Wyrm, home, repeat. FP and I hadn't spoken about our mini make out session since it happened, it was strictly business between the two of us. I knew it was for the best but I couldn't help but miss him.

He'd gone to his sons birthday party and I found out then that Joaquin (a fellow senior Serpent) was dating a Northsider and spying on them for FP. I wasn't impressed that he had kept that from me and I made him fully aware of that.

While he continued to semi ignore me, I continued to spend time with Sweet Pea, Kicks, Fangs, and Toni. I was trying my best to teach them some responsibility that came with leading the Serpents incase anything happened to FP or myself and they had to take over. I didn't really trust anyone else to do what was best for our people.

We spent several weeks crashing in each other's trailers at night depending on whose was free and before we knew it, it was time for Homecoming. Southside High tried to make it a fun event but it was basically just Serpents and Ghoulies going at each others throats more than usual in a 'controlled environment' so we instead threw a party in the Whyte Wyrm where we could at least drink alcohol.

I was lightly buzzed when FP came over and dragged me up to our office.

'What's going on FP?'

'I wanted to tell you I'm gonna start to try and turn my life around. For you and Jughead' he told me.

'Why should I care?' I responded.

'Come on Crystal, you know how much you mean to me, I just want to try and make sure I'm worthy of you'

'You realise I have no reason to trust you FP. Not after all this, not after summer'

'I intend to work for it Crystal'

He kissed me softly before leaving the office. I left shortly after and headed over to Sweet Pea and Fangs who were stood at the bar. They took one look at me and handed me a shot which I immediately downed.

'Feel like Serpent dancing for us tonight Crystal?' Fangs asked with a wink.

'Maybe if you're lucky and my buzz continues nicely' I replied with a small giggle.

'Lets get some more drinks for you then Queen Crystal' he said with a small bow.

Several drinks later and Kicks and Toni had joined us again and we had made it onto the small dance floor in the Wyrm to dance along to the weird music dad had decided to play for us. Fangs and I were giggling like kids as we danced closely together but Toni pulled me away and up onto the stage where the poles were located for the Serpents dance.

'Gloria, change the song!' I called over to the female Serpent located near the jukebox.

She changed it to the song Toni danced to for her initiation into the Serpents and the two of us started to dance, using the poles to swing around as we slowly started to take off our clothes as well. It was a very sexist thing to do but it was a bit of fun tonight and Toni and I were basking in the attention we were currently receiving.

The song ended and the Serpents booed as we put our clothes back on and clamoured down from the stage. I couldn't remember much else from that night except more dancing and drinks, and then I woke up in an unfamiliar trailer.

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