Chapter Twenty Four

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The rest of our Christmas break seemed to go by insanely quick. The majority of my time was spent with Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs. Or with FP. Kicks had gone to visit his grandparents so we were down a snake but we made do. It was soon time to go back to the trash that is Southside High and I was counting down the days until I graduated.

It was just before break and most of us were actually in class for a change when an announcement was made.

'As of today, Southside High is being closed down. Please report to the main office to find out which school you are being moved to. Good day'

Cheers sounded throughout the entire school as everyone rushed to the office. I met with Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Kicks before we entered the office.

'Crystal, you guys are going to the high school on the Northside' the secretary told us 'So are Jughead Jones and Toni Topaz if you could tell them when you see them please'

'Sure thing' I agreed.

Sweet Pea turned to me with a huge grin on his face, we were going to the Northside! This was going to be so much fun.

'Lets go find Jones and Topaz' I told the boys who followed me outside.

We threw the doors open with large cheers which shocked Jughead and Toni who were sat on the steps.

'What's going on?' Jughead asked us.

'This hell hole is officially closed. No more Southside High' Sweet Pea celebrated as a few more Serpents joined us.

'What? How?' Toni questioned.

'Well Toni, it's apparently dangerous and is going to be quarantined' I shrugged.

'Who cares? We're going to different schools' Sweet Pea added.

'This doesn't make sense. Where are you guys going?' Jughead asked him.

'Same as you, and you, and Fangs, and Queen Crystal. We're going to Riverdale High' Sweet Pea informed him, punching Fangs and I when he said our names with a laugh.

'Think of all those Northside heads to knock' I slightly cheered, turning to Kicks and beginning to play fight with him.

We jumped down the stairs and ran to our bikes so we could go and celebrate at the Wyrm.

The Wyrm was pretty full when we got there and I spotted dad straight away so I headed over to him.

'Heard yo guys are moving schools' he greeted me.

'Hi dad, nice to see you too' I laughed 'how did you hear?'

'Jughead told FP who told us' he said 'sounds like quite a few of you will be at Northside High tomorrow'

'Yeah, I'm kind of in two minds about it you know? It's a much better school but it's Northside, they hate us' I explained.

'You'll be fine Crystal, just remember to keep the others in line'

'That's going to be the hardest challenge ever!'


The next morning, all of the Serpents who were attending the school on the Northside met up outside my trailer so we could travel to our new school together as a sign of force and solidarity.

We parked up outside the school and stood looking at it half in awe, half in disgust.

'Well, we might as well get this out the way' Jughead groaned.

'Lead the way Jones' I told him.

He walked up the steps of the school, the rest of us following close behind, glaring at the Northsiders who were staring at us. We turned to the main corridor just as the bell went off. I glanced at Sweet Pea and Fangs, praying nothing would set them off. Jughead led us over to a table that had clearly been set up for us and Veronica, Archie, and some other Northsiders were behind it. We stopped in front of it and Toni came to join us at the front of the pack.

'Friends' Veronica greeted and I rolled my eyes 'On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school'

I glared at her but stayed quiet and Toni and Jughead just looked amused.

'To ease this transition, they've set up a registration desk, where you can get your locker assignments, schedules and a list of extracurriculars' she continued, 'We encourage each of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale'

I couldn't help but burst out laughing when she finished her little speech which made her look at me in disgust.

'Sorry but your speech does very little to reassure us' I replied.

'Stand down, Eva Peron' a voice sounded in the corridor.

'Case in point' I muttered as we watched the remaining Blossom twin walk over to us followed by the Bulldogs and River Vixens.

'There's the school spirit I so fondly remember' Jughead commented as we moved around the table so we were able to face them head on.

'Cheryl, no one invited Fascist Barbie to the party' Veronica tried to diffuse the situation but I already knew it was no good.

'Wrong Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school' Blossom replied 'listen up, ragamuffins'

'How about you listen up Red?' I interrupted the start of what was surely a rant that insulted us, 'We don't care if you hate us and don't want us here. The feelings mutual. We don't want to be surrounded by people who think they are so much better than us just because they live on the opposite side of town. We were forced to come here so we're gonna stay. You don't like it? Tough shit'

She looked at me in shock but couldn't respond to me as the Principal came out of his office and told us to go to class. Oh what fun!

'Keep an eye on Jughead and Sweet Pea for me' I told Fangs and Toni quietly as we queued up for our schedules.

'You got it Crystal. Stay safe yourself though okay? You're the only Serpent here who's a senior' Fangs replied.

'I'm always careful kid, don't worry. See you later'

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