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♡You don't choose if you get hurt in this world but you do have a say in who hurts you.♡


I woke up to the chirping of birds outside my window and sunlight filtering in through my crimson curtains. The curtains gently fluttered in the breeze. I was relieved to see pure sunlight after so many days of snow and gloom.

Day three after Caspian and I had our fight and Blaze left for college. He probably would be in his class right now. Eyes on board or flirting with the girl sitting beside him. I smiled to myself as I got up.

I had about 45 minutes to get ready for school. I had about four more months left until graduation. And then I would run off to college, leaving all this behind. I took in a deep breath and promised myself that I would try hard enough to keep away all toxicity and unnecessary fights, aka, avoid Caspian.

I got ready for school and realized I didn't have a ride. Caspian hadn't texted me even once after that day. I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"You mind if I take your car, mom?",I asked.

Mom had her phone tucked between her left ear and left shoulder while she mixed her milk and cereal with her hands. She held the bowl in one hand and then placed a finger on her lips while she looked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front door and grabbed the keys from their hook. I walked back to the kitchen and waved the keys in front of mom's face before walking out and seating myself in mom's silver Toyota.

I happened to catch a glance of myself in the mirror. I could see my curls slowly reforming. I had abandoned the contacts and gone back to my specs. I looked like my old self.

And for some reason, I felt happier and freer.

I blinked myself out of my thoughts and started the car. It had been a while since I'd driven. I usually walked to school before Caspian and I started going in his car but today I didn't feel like walking.

I slowly started the car and in no time drove with ease.

I reached the school fifteen minutes early, which meant I had some free time on my hands. The parking lot was comfortably empty. I parked in a spot under a tree and got out of the car.

The minute I'd left the shadow of Caspian and the popular kids, my own shadow of being a nerd and freak started following me around again. I sighed as I got weird looks for looking like myself again.

I sighed and clutched my bag tightly as I walked towards class. The hallways we're mostly empty. I walked towards my locker and opened my locker. I wasn't even ten minutes in and I already wanted to go home.

I sighed as I shut my locker a little too forcefully, startling a junior who was walking past me. I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and tied it around my hair. The hair tie had a hard time holding my hair together now.

I checked my watch and realized that I still had ten minutes left. I slowly dragged myself to class while I actually wanted to be as far away from it as possible.

I could manage history but I couldn't manage facing Caspian. And he was in history too. First period.

I groaned internally as I walked to my desk after a long time. I sat down and closed the flap.

Every time I heard footsteps I would jump a little in my seat and hope it wasn't Caspian. I crossed my fingers and prayed every time too.

The class quickly started filling up a few minutes before the Bell was about to ring. Our history professor walked in and I realized he was new. I wasn't sure why they were hiring a new teacher at the end of the year but it didn't matter as much as a rat's ass did.

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