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♡ You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars♡

"Nope. No way. Too stuffy.",Caspian said, waving his arms.

"Oh, come on. It's just a dare. For me? Please?",Veronica pouted. I clenched my jaw as she passed me an innocent smile.

Caspian looked at me.
"You okay with this?",he asked as he squeezed my hand.

Veronica passed me a nasty look. I almost smirked. If I said no, he wouldn't do it. But if I did say no, everybody would think I was a loser.

"No, babe , go ahead. It's just a stupid dare." I looked at Veronica. "I know it doesn't mean anything to you." I turned back towards Caspian.

Veronica rolled her eyes and got up.
"Whatever.",she said and walked towards a closet. The smallest one she could find.

"Come on, Caspian.",she said and wagged her finger.

Caspian sighed and got up from his beanbag. He reluctantly walked towards the closet and went inside.

I heard mumbling and laughter coming from the closet later. I rolled my eyes. Veronica's obvious attempt to make me feel something was not working. Everybody in the group was excitedly murmuring. Some of Veronica's friends were cooing.

"Oh my god, Veronica and Caspian would make such a cute couple! I can't."

"I know! Gosh! Caronica!"


I clenched my jaw. I wouldn't let them get to me, no matter what they tried. Caspian was my boyfriend. He liked me, not Veronica.

Finally, Caspian and Veronica walked out of the closet. Caspian just looked bored while Veronica had a glint in her eyes. She smirked at me and sat down opposite to me.

Caspian sat down next to me again and smiled at me. I returned his smile. However, I felt uncomfortable. Veronica was giggling and talking to her friends. Her friends cooed and melted as if Caspian and Veronica were made for each other.

Or maybe they were. I was just an obstacle in between. It's true. Aren't hot guys supposed to fall in love with gorgeous girls and have lots of beautiful babies in the future? I was just an average looking brunette with a pathetic life.

I sighed. Caspian squeezed my hand as the game continued. Bottle spun, secrets leaked.

Veronica spun it again. This time, it landed on me. The other end pointed towards one of Veronica's friends, Michelle.

"Truth or dare, Amy?",Michelle asked.

"Um, truth.",I said.

Michelle passed me a smirk and played with her fingers.
"Well, Amy, I wanna know- well, we all wanna know, if you've slept with Caspian."

A series of ooo's and chuckles went through the group. After that, the group immediately fell silent. I could feel everyone's gaze on me. I looked at Caspian for reassurance.

He seemed undeniably calm.
He got up from his bean bag.
"We don't need to deal with this. Let's go, Amy."

He reached out for my hand. I took it and got, up relieved to have found an opportunity to escape the embarrassment.

Caspian and I walked outside to the pool. Several people sat on the lounging chairs. Bright beam lights illuminated the glistening pool. Half-naked, fully wasted teens swam around in the water. Thankfully, none of them had beer or some other concoction in their hands so I guess it is safe to say the pool was pretty clean.

Caspian took off his shoes and socks and placed them under one of the lounge chairs. He folded his pant up to his knees.

"What are you doing?",I asked.

"Dipping my legs. C'mon. It'll be fun."

I shrugged and took off my shoes and socks too. I walked beside Caspian until we reached the pool. We both sat down on the edge and dipped our legs in the pool.

To my surprise, the water was warm. I bent down and sliced my hand through the warm water.

"Damn, this feels good.",Caspian said.

I nodded in agreement. I swished my legs around in the water as I looked into it. The water formed ripples around my calves. I could see a blurry reflection of myself in the water.

"I'm a loser.",I said.

Caspian looked at me.
"No you're not."

"No. Accept it. You felt sympathetic. Isn't that why you asked me out? You were sure nobody else would. You just wanted to boost my morale."

"What are you talking about? You're smart, you're funny, you're cute. Any guy who doesn't ask you out is the idiot."

"That's sweet but tell me seriously. You're not in this only for the fun, are you? You'll use me and eventually dump me. Is that it?"

Caspian looked hurt.
"Amy, why would you ever think of me like that? Have I tried anything until now?"

"No but I'm just worried you'll do that someday."

"You have trust issues. Serious ones."

"You know how hard I have it, right? I've seen Lexi being cheated, I've seen my parents being dysfunctional. It's obviously going to kinder trust issues.",I said.

"You know, sometimes, it is okay let people into your life. If you can't get that into your head, you might just as well be alone for the rest of your life.",he said and got up, rinsing his feet.

I stared silently as he picked his shoes up and walked back into the party.
I sighed and pulled out my legs too. I waited until they were dry and put on my shoes. I headed back into the party to look for Caspian. I couldn't see him anywhere. I tried looking over the crowd but I couldn't. I searched from room to room but I couldn't find him.

Remembering Veronica's obsession with my boyfriend, I caught her by her elbow in one of the rooms.
"Do you know where Caspian is?",I asked.

"Finally got dumped, huh, garbage girl?",she said with a smirk.

I was shocked by this sudden change in behaviour. I mean, I always knew she was a bitch but she didn't act like one when Caspian was around.

"Um, no. Do you know where he is?"

"He left.",she said, her smirk widening even more. I stood rooted in my spot for a minute. I nodded and gulped before walking out of the party.

It hurts the most when the person who made you feel special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today.

I called a cab and went home, tears escaping my eyes and inaudible sobs escaping my lips.

"He did WHAT? You hold on, girl, I'm going to sue that lad's ass.",Melody said over the phone.

Her voice got me smiling but I still couldn't get the incident out of my head. It was one thirty in the morning. I had sworn not to talk to Caspian until he apologized.

I mean, even though I hurt him, what he did was cold.

"Calm down, Mel. It's fine.",I said.

"Nuh-uh. Not this time. You always try to ignore your problems. That's what is wrong with you."

"Whatever. You do remember you can't do anything about it right?"

"Um, why, exactly?"

"Well, let's just say your health doesn't permit you to."

"Honey, just give me his number and I'll deal with him."

I laughed softly.
"It's ok, Mel. I love you."

"Love you too."



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