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♡You don't drown by falling into water.
You drown by staying there.♡

"Mom what is this supposed to mean?",I said as I threw the file on the dinner table. It landed with a whack, sending the spoons and knives up in the air for a millisecond.

Mom froze. She gently dropped her spoon in her bowl and took the file. She placed it beside her on the chair and motioned for me to sit down.
"Sit down, Amy. I've made your favourite broth."

"I don't give a damn about any broth. What the hell is that stupid file supposed to mean?",I asked, my voice raised to its highest extent.

Mom hit her palm on the table, the anger and sorrow both evident in her eyes.
"I am your mother, Amelia. You will not question any of my decisions and you will mind your own business. Is that in any way unclear?",she asked.

Tears pooled around my eyes.

Dad looked shocked.
a) Because I didn't look like his daughter anymore.
b) It looked as if I had intentionally picked a fight with mom.

"Amy, dear, sit down. Calm down. What is happening here?",he turned towards mom.

Mom shook her head and sat down.

"Why don't you check the files yourself?",I said coldly as I sat down. The broth had turned about as cold as I sounded.

Dad's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Mom did not stop him when he leaned forward and picked up the file. He flipped the pages hurriedly as his eyes scanned the pages. His forehead crinkled in worry.

"What is the meaning of this?",dad asked.

Mom did not look up from her broth. She silently stirred her soup.
"I don't think it's working anymore.",mom said.

Dad stayed silent.

"Amy. Go to your room.",mom said.

I sat still.

"Amy. I said go to your room.",she said again, gritting her teeth, trying to stop her tears from flowing out.

I looked her right in the eye.
"Look, I'm not going to stop you from making any decision, however much stupid it is. But, as your daughter, I do have the right to know why you're doing it.",I said.

"Amy, enough of this nonsense. Go to your room. Leave it to us.",mom said.

"Mom, this is probably the last time we're all ever going to sit like this together, because of the stupid step you've taken. Lexi is in college. She probably doesn't even know about this yet. If I hadn't found out about it, maybe you wouldn't have even told her until after the damn divorce!",I said, my voice cracking at the last word. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of my eyes.

Mom glared at me. Her own eyes were rimmed red and her lips were quivering. She took a deep breath and sighed. I sighed too and got up to leave when dad caught my hand.

"Amy. Sit down. You're grown enough for a conversation like this. Let's see what your mother has to say.",he said, clear sorrow and regret lacing his tone.

I sat down again.

Mom looked at dad.
"I don't know. I don't think we can stay together anymore. I just need your signature on those papers. I did not want you to find out about it like this. Just a signature. And then you'll go your way and I'll go mine."

Dad scoffed.
"You do realize we're not only dealing with our lives in this divorce, right? It'll affect the lives of Amy and Lexi too. Can't you see that?"

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