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♡ "Follow your heart."

"It's in a trillion pieces. Which piece do I follow?" ♡

Cold breeze made my clothes flutter. I hugged myself tightly as I looked both ways and crossed the road.

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell, I felt something land on my nose.

A snowflake!

I moved back into the lawn and looked up. Another one, followed by another one. I grinned. One thing I loved about winter was snow. I held out my palms. Three snowflakes landed on my palms and one landed on the rim of my spectacles.

I giggled and turned around with my arms outstretched. The fall became heavier. Suddenly, I sneezed. I shook my head and was about to ring the bell when the door opened.

A middle aged woman with piercing green eyes and graying black hair opened the door. She was wrapped in a huge coat and had a handbag slung across her shoulder.

She smiled.
"Yes? How can I help you?",she asked, her voice holding the same British accent.

"Uh..I'm Amelia..err..Amy. I'm Caspian's partner. We have a history project.",I said, hugging my books. I sneezed again.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry I didn't invite you in. Please come in.",she said.

I stepped in and she closed the door behind us.
"I have some work at the office. I'll be back in some time. Caspian's room is on the first floor. I think you'll find it. Make yourself comfortable, dear. Bye!",she said and rushed out the door again.

The whole house was silent. I noticed that the house had a very modern outlook. All the walls were white, their borders painted gray. Paintings hung on the walls. I crossed the hall and found myself at the base of a set of stairs.

I quickly made my way up and rubbed my hands to keep myself warm. I saw a corridor in front of me with three rooms on either side. I sighed and dragged my feet on the floor.

Suddenly, I heard some music playing in the third room to my left. I guessed it was Caspian's room.

I jogged towards it and knocked. I didn't get any response. The music kept playing. I decided to open the door myself.

I turned the handle and opened the door.

The intensity of the music became louder and fresher to my ears but the sight in front of me left me agape.

I saw a guy, doing pull-ups on a rod attached to his room. He pulled himself up and down alternately, his taut back muscles forming a ridge in between his shoulders. His biceps bulged as he pulled himself up. He grunted slightly as he pulled himself up. His back was facing me.

He swung off the rod and turned around. The first thing I noticed were his eyes. They were crystal green in colour, an ocean of danger, power and peace all at once, under a carpet of feather soft eyelashes and sharp eyebrows.

His mouth was slightly open, taking in some air to breathe after the exercise. His tongue ran over his lower lip and he momentarily closed his mouth. He ran a hand through his messy black hair. I noticed a black piercing on his left ear.

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