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♡I fell in love with you because you loved me even when I didn't love myself♡

"It's like your heart is going three-forty miles an hour and you don't know what to do.",I said. I tucked my legs under my blanket as I comfortably sat on my bed.

"Tell me about it.",Melody said from the other side of the phone.

"Hey, Mel, you free tomorrow?",I asked.

"Apart from the chemo, injections and stuff? Yes. Come on over.",she said.


"Do me a favour."


"Bring Caspian along.",Melody said.

I stayed quiet. I could feel my cheeks turning pink even as I thought about him. An image of his smile portrayed itself in my head.

"Oh, my girl's so in love. Tell me, you're thinking about him, aren't you?",Melody teased me.

"N-No.",I lied.

"Stop lying. I've known you for seven years. I bet you're playing with your dress right now.",she said.

I looked down and found myself fiddling with the hem of my t-shirt. I stopped immediately.

"Liar. Anyway, can you do that for me? After all, a best friend's approval means everything."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help smiling.
"I'll ask him."

"He'll obviously say yes. He's so into you."

"Ok shut up. Good night."

I smiled as I cut the call.

I rubbed my hands and tightened the scarf around my neck. Cold wind blew in my ears. I had forgotten to put on my damn gloves and my hands were turning to popsicles.

Caspian walked beside me. His bag was slung across his shoulder. He wore a red beanie and and his recently acquired sports jersey from being selected in the school's football team. Steam formed outside his mouth as he breathed.

My teeth chattered because of the cold. My sweater wasn't enough to block the cold. I rubbed my hands again.

The hospital was just a few more yards away. A packet of chocolates hung loosely across my fingers.

Caspian looked down at me.
"Forgot your gloves?"

I nodded with my teeth chattering in my mouth.

"Perfect.",he whispered under his breath. For a second, I thought I hadn't heard it right.

"What?",I asked.

He didn't say anything. He just smiled and looked straight ahead. I pouted and shrugged before turning ahead too.

Suddenly, I felt warmth spreading through my hand as I felt another one's fingers entangling in mine. I looked down to see Caspian's fingers linked with mine. Even in the cold, I felt the warmth rising from my neck to my cheeks.

We both didn't say anything. We walked together to the hospital. I led him to Melody's room, the route to which I could travel with my eyes closed.

I finally reached her door. I opened the knob and found her sitting on the bed, reading a book. She looked up as she saw us entering.

She raised an eyebrow and scanned Caspian from his head to toe. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Amy. Hey Caspian.",she said.

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