Chapter Twenty-Two

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this was reuploaded because i fucked something up

If you don't follow me (or if you do and don't see my status updates), let me fill you in.

I have a really bad cold that some fucker at school gave me- Really bad stuffy nose, cough, nosebleeds, sore throat, my ears are out of whack- the whole kitten kaboodle. It's hell for me because I don't usually get colds, but when I do it's hella bad.

So, I might as well write some sick Levi to deal with myself.

And Dr. Gavin's advice isn't working.

-Eren's POV-

"Eren, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HOLD THE PARTY OUTSIDE?" Levi yelled, adding another box of tissues on top of the cardboard boxes that we were packing. As I folded my shirts that I had brought over, he ran a hand through his messy hair, the dark circles framing his already pissed eyes, and he snatched a tissue, blowing his nose. Also, he was carrying around a pocket container of hand sanitizer- being sick was very uncleanly.

"Hey, you were the one that didn't wear a coat!" I called back, taping over the flaps of the full box and grabbing the sharpie pen from behind my ear to label it.

"Hanji dragged me out of the house- I couldn't grab a coat!"

"You're much stronger than her!"

He harrumphed, binding the television cords together and packing them away, deattaching the flatscreen from the wall and sliding it into its original box, that he had hidden somewhere- from the way he was acting, it was probably up his ass.

Hanji and Petra came over later in the day, around noon, to help us pack, which helped us speed things up alot- we had got rid of a lot of things, as Petra had also gotten furniture and some decor for the room aleady. When the three of them had packed a lot, I brought out the lunch I had prepared, and we all sat on the box-littered couch, Levi spacing himself away from everyone and eating his salad.

"Oi, you guys, thanks, I guess," he muttered, then started another coughing fit, and I grabbed a bottle from the case of water in the unplugged fridge.

When we were finished, Petra followed me downstairs, and we started packing up the few things I had in my deserted apartment- some clothes, my school stuff, my guitar, etcetra. We left most of the basic things though, because we had furniture already. Then Hanji loaded everything into the back of her car and we sped off, Levi and I in the backseat, Levi sitting in my lap so we could put boxes on the seat. I had my knees bent so my legs framed him, and he laid against my chest, stuffing dirty tissues in the trash bag tied to the back of the car's module.

The radio was turned off as hanji shut down the car, reaching the top of the dirt driveway, and Erwin came outside to help us carry the boxes into our room. Once we got there, I saw a pretty modern set up- a boxy white bed, side tables, couch, and lamp, white curtains, a white carpet, and a black coffee table. There were also paintings on the wall, all of which were done by Petra, and under each one was another- some of them were done by me, for class, and some were painted by Levi.

"Home sweet home," Hanji sighed, leaning up against one of the mirrors on the clost door. "Do you two like it?"

"It looks great!" I replied. "Thanks, Petra!"

We were left in the room alone, and I started unpacking my things, Levi moping on the couch, clutching onto his 3rd box of tissues for today. He turned as I pulled my guitar out of its case, setting it up against the wall where we were going to set up the television.

"You play guitar?" he asked, reaching for his bottle of water and taking a swig before immediately coughing it up into a tissue.

"Yeah, my dad apparently used to play it, so I wanted to lean."

"So you appreciate your father's existence?"

"Of course not. It was when I was five that I wanted to, but it was enjoyable enough to keep as a hobby."

"Play something for me."

"Is that a demand or a request?"

"Hell if I know."


I sighed and sat down on the stool I brought with me, crossing one leg over the other and putting my finger in position, then I started playing.

The song was one I knew, so I started singing along with it.

"You don't even bother anymore," I softly sung under my breath as I started playing, but I was soon singing and playing, my eyes loosely shut, and when I finished the song, Levi started clapping.

"I would kiss you, but I don't want two useless lumps of infectious flesh in the area," he laughed, then sighed. "That was beautiful. You should sing more often."

"No," I said without a second thought. "Mr. Zacharius bugs me about chorus and band so much."

"Oh, so you actually pay attention enough to know you teacher's names."

"Shut up."

I plopped down on the couch next to Levi, pulling his head into my side, and he soon fell asleep, dropping down onto my lap, his stuffy nose causing him to breath through his mouth, and I ran a hand through his hair.

There was a knock on the door, and Petra stepped in, her voice hushed as she saw that Levi was asleep.

"Dinner's ready," she whispered. "I can heat some up later if you want."

"No, no," I replied, speaking in a normal tone. "I'll just wake him up."

I quickly got up, Levi's head falling onto the couch, and he stirred, stretching out his arms.

"The hell was that for?" he groaned, standing up, and I laughed.

"Dinner," I told him, and he immediately perked up.

"What is there?"

"Peas, noodles, and chicken breasts," Petra said, leading us down to the dining area, where Hanji and Erwin were already sitting.

Levi and I sat down next to eachother, but before Petra could even set a plate down for him, he was dead asleep, leaning up against my shoulder.

"Should I wake him?" I asked, but Erwin and Hanji both shook their heads.

"He's sick, so we should let him sleep," Erwin whispered, then started eating.

"Hey, Eren, remember last time he was sick?" Hanji asked, mouth full of noodles.

"Yeah," I replied. "Didn't he, like, quarantine the entire place?"

"He moved outside and lived in a tree for a week because he didn't want anyone to not be in peak condition! And when he came back, he was so sick from the cold that he had to stay in bed for a month!"

We ate dinner laughing, Levi soft snoring as he lay against my side, and I knew that I could get used to life like this.

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