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A/N these are just a filler until I watch the new episodes

Alex: so who wears the pants in the relationship

Kara: on a good day neither of us

Kara: *high fives Lena*


[text conversation]

Kara: Babe on my way home with a surprise

Lena: if it's another lizard that you think is a dragon I swear to Rao

Kara: Ok something just came up

Kara: btw no more surprise


Alex: is that a hickey?

Lena: No it's just a mosquito bite

Kara, waking in: hey guys

Alex: hey mosquito


Kara: please Lena no I love you

Lena: I'm so sorry I have to do this

Kara: Lena please I'm begging you! after all we have been through together...

Lena: I'm sorry....

*places a +4 uno card*

Lena: Uno



Lena: so I accidentally just bought the whole universe


Lena: The stars are beautiful tonight

James: yeah

Lena: Do you know who else is beautiful

James *blushing*: who?

Lena: Kara


And this one for a laugh:

Looks like she will kill you but us actually a cinnamon roll: Supergirl

Looks like a cinnamon roll is actually a cinnamon roll: Kara Danvers

'Sin'namon roll: Lena

That's all folks


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