Session Thirty Four: Wrong Side of the Tracks

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Michael revved the Foxbody, carefully deciding to hold it 4000 RPM to ensure the optimal balance between power and traction for launch. He stared intently at Kalinda, waiting for the signal to go.

She threw her arms down.

Michael dumped the clutch and floored the accelerator, and the Foxbody surged forward, gaining speed, the force of the acceleration shoving him back in his seat.

The parking lot ended, and the race transitioned on time the train line, Michael steering the Mustang on to the center line between the two tracks, the bumpy gravel working the Foxbody's rebuilt suspension through it's paces.

The Mercury was already slightly pulling ahead from it's superior traction at launch. Michael waited until the Mustang's engine reached it's mechanical crescendo, then rapidly upshifted into second gear.

"Nitrous NOW!" Michael heard Amelia shout in his ear.

Michael quickly tapped the red button with his right thumb.

There was a faint hissing noise, and suddenly the engine snarled louder than it had ever had, it's sound echoing through his skull Michael's skull.

Blue flames erupted from the exhaust pipes of the Foxbody, as the car suddenly broke traction.

Michael briefly panicked, but deftly counter steered, and the Foxbody accelerated like a rocket, blasting several car lengths ahead of the Mercury.

The shear force of the acceleration pinned Michael in his seat. The Foxbody was now briefly making 700 horsepower.

He focused on shifting, rapidly skipping third gear and putting the car in 4th as the car easily crested 120 miles per hour.

Michael grinned as the round yellow headlights began to shrink in his rearview mirror.

He focused on the road, and the gravel transitioned to concrete as the race began to near the tunnel.

"You got this man!" Nick shouted.

The Mustang hit 150 miles per hour, and a sharp bang notified Michael that the Nitrous had deactivated.

The Foxbody's acceleration immediately slowed to a crawl, the speedometer shakily inching forward.

Michael kept his foot on the gas and entered the murky darkness of the tunnel, illuminating the tunnel with his single working headlight. He swerved the Foxbody over the train tracks to move to the inside line.

The sudden bump of the train rails upset the rear of the car, and it skidded out wide.

Michael counter steered and let off the throttle, and barely caught the slide, loosing a ton of momentum. He had no choice but to let off the throttle to wrestle the car under control, and the Mustang slowed to just over 100 miles per hour.

Soon, the yellowish headlights are of the Mercury began to close in on the Foxbody, and Michael hugged the inside line of the corner, getting as close to the wall as he could as the Mercury slotted in behind him.

Suddenly, Michael's vision was illuminated by a blinding white light from behind.

A train.

Time slowed to a crawl. Michael realized it was coming from the inside line, so he swerved to the outside line, the Mercury following his lead, but skidding out wide from it's body roll and dropping further back.

The AutoTrain was a high speed passenger model, and blasted pass the racers on the inside rails at 120+ miles per hour, the wind from it buffeting the cars and pushing them closer to hitting wall.

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