Session Four: Community

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The rest of the week past in relative calm. Michael went to school, and made his usual deliveries after, occasionally spending time with Amelia at lunch. They talked a lot, usually about cars. But hey, anything to spend time with her right? Michael and Michelle sat on the couch in the living room Thursday evening. It was time to decide.

They knew the invite was legitimate, as it appeared on the official Racing Authority Forums. "The drivers involved in viral YouTube film "Touge Run VS LAMBORGHINI" are invited to participate in the sanctioned meet at Kempton Docks."

"It's not illegal, because it's official Racing Authority" Michelle says, letting her wavy black hair fall loosely onto her left shoulder as she untied it.

"Yeah, but it's still dangerous. We've never raced multiple opponents on public roads, and we don't have any money to bet with. We're not ready."

"Well you aren't. But I am."

"Is that a challenge?"


"Then I'll do it to prove you wrong."

"Ok. But we're not telling dad."
The next day, school passed incredibly slowly. Michael found it hard to talk to Amelia. His nervousness was slowly building. When the deliveries ended Michael went home with Michelle.
They parked their cars in the shed with the Charger, and went to work. Michelle put the BRZ on up jacks. She adjusted the suspension, fiddled with the ECU settings, and installed brand new sports brake pads and rotors she had bought with the last of her savings. Michael left the car on the ground, and went to work removing the air conditioner, radio, and speakers, in total saving about 200lbs of weight. Then he went and put the car up on jacks, and changed the oil. When they were done, they moved the cars outside, grabbed some buckets, filled them with soapy water, and washed the cars.

When they finished, they headed into the city. Kempton docks was much closer than school, so it only took about half an hour to work their way to ground level in the city. They followed the GPS coordinates to the docks, frequently getting lost.

Then they saw it. It was in a clearing nestled away between the shipping containers. The meet.
There were other driven cars. People wore stuff like Nismo vintage T-Shirts, and old school Ferrari baseball caps. They turned and headed toward the group. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tall man in a baseball cap and TRD hoodie sprinted in front of them, waving his arms. Michael, who was leading, slammed on the brakes.

"What the hell are you kids doing!"

Michael rolled down his window down.

"Uh, my sister and I... we were invited... this is the 93' Foxbody and the BRZ from the YouTube video... on the East canyon. "

"Bullshit! You two look like you're... like what... 6?"


"Well that was the legal driving age... back before the whole license thing was abolished."


"Well shit. These seem to be the right cars, and well... if Kalinda invited you then Kalinda invited you. And what Kalinda wants, Kalinda gets. Park those rides in the two empty slots next to the Deadbeat Dad's. I'll be with you in about... half an hour? " He motioned to a group of sedans parked at the edge of the meet.

The man ran off. Michael parallel parked next to the group of sedans, Michelle parking next to him. Who the hell was Kalinda? Michael stepped out of his car. He realized it was freezing cold. He grabbed a worn-out black leather jacket he'd thrown in the back of the Mustang and put it on. Michelle was already wearing a white hoodie.

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