Session Seven: Repairs

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Michael reached his home at 3 AM. Michelle's BRZ was already parked out front. Michael parked his Mustang next to the barn, grabbed the trophy, left the helmet in the back seat, and went up to the front door of his house. He found Michelle in the rocking chair on the porch, fast asleep. It suddenly struck Michael that he was incredibly tired, exhausted even. He sighed, considering whether or not he should wake Michelle up or not. She was starting to snore, and her hair was down, which meant there was no waking her up anyway from his experience.
Michael opened the door and tiptoed inside.

"Where the fuck have you been."

Michael's father was sitting in his armchair. He managed to stop squinting long enough to see what Michael was holding.

"Oh God. No... no no no... they got you too... FUCK!"

Michael felt confused.

"Dad... we won.... we just made 8 thousand credits! Thats enough-"

"For this month's rent! I know... but what about next month?"

"We can-"

"Do another race!!? What about the month after that!!!? You'll keep winning!? Don't be naive Michael!!!! You can't keep winning, that's statistically impossible! Because sooner or later, you're gonna bet too high, and something you can't control no matter how good you are is gonna fuck it all up, and you'll loose everything... just like I did..."

"That's what happened to Mom wasn't it. You lost everything."

The look on his father's face let Michael know he went to far. But dammit, he was pissed. His father was so hard on him and his sister. He never said what happened to their mother. He shouldn't be mad, he should be proud. Michael exploded with anger.


Michael turned around and realized Michelle was standing in the doorway, messy haired and wide eyed.

"It's my fault," Michelle said quietly, "I dragged him into this. But I will say, if he hadn't been there, than I would have lost the BRZ"

It suddenly dawned on Michael.

"We can't loose, because there's two of us. We're a team. If one of us makes a mistake, the other can cover for them. We couldn't have lost."
Their father put his head in his hands. But Michael could've sworn he saw a twinkle of pride in his eyes.

"Well, it's not like I can stop you. But you're not a race team. Not yet. A modern race team has two drivers, a back up driver, logistics engineer, engine mechanic, suspension tuner, aerodynamicist, and chassis technician MINIMUM. It's a good idea to have a pit crew for endurance races. But what the hell, this street shit you kids do is only three laps anyways. I'll let you race, but only if you can find people stupid enough to do those jobs, and a shop to work in... *BURP* sometime soon."

And with that, their father took a swig of Jack Daniel's and promptly fell asleep.
Michael was awoken the next morning by Michelle shaking his bed.

"Dude! Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!!!!"

"Sis, what the fuck do you want! It's like..."

Michael sat up, and peeked at his alarm clock. It was 12 PM. Well, she wins this round.
Michelle was dressed up really nice, wearing the outfit she usually wore on dates or on formal occasions. Tight blue blouse, white denim short skirt, and that half length white leather jacket. Michael also could've sworn she had straightened her hair and was wearing... makeup? She never did, because she didn't need too (she could drive the boys a school nuts with her natural beauty alone. Plus makeup in Palmont was super expensive.)... Michael was thoroughly puzzled.
"What's the occasion? " Michael said.

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