Session Thirteen: Components

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Michael rolled over what had just happened in his head. That was an accident, or a coincidence most likely. The slippery concrete or a trick of the wind perhaps. It didn't matter. The only thing Michael could think to do was try and ignore it. Move on. Focus on racing. He switched off the car and stepped outside.

"Hey dude! Thanks for saving me! Sorry I made you use your powers!"

"I don't have... powers... kid! It was just... a lucky punch... yeah... a lucky punch that's all. You're welcome..."

Michael was saying that for himself more than Alex. He already had enough on his plate with all this street racing and possible girlfriend business. He didn't even want to think about anything meta human related.

"Anyway, you might wanna take a look at this. It was what I was designing."
Alex thrust an old-school sketchbook in Michael's face. Michael stared at it in awe for a few seconds. It was the GT350R scribbled in incredible detail, but it has a set of fender flares, and a custom spoiler and front splitter, complete with a set of rims Michael didn't recognize.

"GT1 spec wide body conversion. And custom wheels that I designed myself. Cool huh?"

"Wow... this is amazing. I just have one question..."


"Could you do one for a Foxbody?"

"I think so..."

"Wanna join Performance Dynamics Racing?"

"Your race crew? Sure."
Michael texted Nick and Amelia and spent a couple hundred credits calling an Express Tesla AutoCab, since the Mustang only had 2 seats. Those extra 4000 credits from the Blacklist race were already coming in handy. Michelle chose to drive the Mustang, Michael riding in the passenger seat, and Nick, Amelia, and Alex taking the Express AutoCab.
Michelle followed the AutoCab through the city a they made their way into Downtown, towards Ed's shop. She had seen what had happened from far away. She knew her brother was probably denying it. He might be right, and it was just nothing... Or what if it was a real development of certain.. abilities? Michelle worried for Michael... what if she developed her own abilities... or possibly worse... didn't? She tried to push these thoughts to the back of her head as best she could. Focus on driving.

The blue taillights of the white AutoCab in front of them guided then through the city fog and to Ed's shop. It hadn't occurred to them that they should call ahead. Michael shrugged and got out of the car after Michelle parked it in the street behind where the AutoCab dropped the rest of the team. Amelia leaned against the AutoCab, holding some kind of duffel bag over her shoulder, Nick paced around while checking his watch, and Alex stood straight up flipping through his sketch book. As Michelle stepped out of the car, and realized the team was color coded. Michael wore his trademark red T-shirt, Michelle wore a blue blouse, Nick had a yellow hoodie, Amelia had her green sweater, and Alex had his orange shirt. Funny.

Michael pushed open the door to the shop, found the desk area empty and the door open to the garage, so he headed into the garage. He was greeted by the steady scream of a highly tuned engine accompanied by a jet like hiss, likely from a massive turbo.

The Ed's Skyline sat on the dyno, wheels spinning furiously, screaming louder and higher, till it hit redline, and then it the throttle was eased off, and the engines note falls, the exhaust spitting foot long torrents of white flames accompanied by several pops and crackles.

Ed stood by some computers, a hologram projection showing a line graph shows some readings, and Ed sighs and shakes his head.


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