Session Thirty One: Oxygen

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Michael got out of bed, showered, and got dressed. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had somehow forgotten something, but when he looked back on it, he had simply returned home after a successful mission. He supposed he dosed off in the back of Evelyn's Tesla on the return home.

Michael stepped outside while he waited for Michelle to finish breakfast. He opened the news section of his watch's interface, and found another massive bombardment of articles.

"Mysterious Vigilante Driver Stops Mecha Terrorist Attack"

"Second Viral Video of Racing Vigilante Surfaces on Internet, Existence Proven"

Michael hadn't considered the fact that his exploits we're now proven. Last night's exploit was on national news as a top story, not a footnote among others like his first mission.

Michael scrolled through several stories and even found a criminal profile expert being interviewed on the subject. He decided it was the most interesting and clicked on it


"This is Live News 64, I'm your host, Steve Brown, and today I'm joined by major crimes expert Carmen Espinoza," A handsome, middle aged anchorman in a blue suit said to the camera.

"Thank you Steve, always a pleasure to be on the show." Carmen, a younger Hispanic woman in a pantsuit said, sitting across from the anchorman while various holograms flashed around them.

"So, as you already know, this Asphalt Knight character is making waves on the Net, do you have any insight into his motivations?" The anchorman said keenly.

"Well, Steven-"

"Please, call me Steve-"

"Steve, It seems as if this mysterious Vigilante is not only seeking justice, but also attention. He-"

"So you're saying they're male then?"

"To the contrary Steven-"

"Call me Steve-"

"Steve, I would say this Vigilante is female, given the use of a voice changer, as a young woman would be more likely to brag about their exploits via social media... Look at how the footage is cut together on the Vigilante's YouTube channel, it's color corrected and shown from the best angles. It clearly aims to glorify them as some kind of celebrity, Iike a famous actor-"

"So you're saying she is doing this for social media attention?"

"And for company profit. Look at the quality of the vehicle she uses, it's clearly well designed and features some of the latest military technology. The vehicle is shown "drifting" which within the urban street racing community is considered stylish. The whole focus of the Asphalt Knight character is around this vehicle. My theory is that a a wealthy socialite has partnered herself up with a private military company in order to market new vehicles."

"What an interesting theory Carmen, anyways, we're out of time... This has been Live News 64, sponsored by Senator Joey Shnider, Stay Classy, Palmont City!"


Michael could barely contain his laughter.

None of what he had just heard made the slightest bit of sense. A conspiracy by some female internet celebrity to help market PMC equipment? It couldn't be further from the truth.

He was just a farm boy who was doing this because his crazy aunt and random people who he met while racing told him to because of some prophecy.

Come to think of it, that didn't make much sense either.

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