Session Two: Struggle

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Michael followed his sister home, on the outskirts of the city. Palmont City, Colorado. A sprawling concrete jungle, nestled between the terraformed mountains and forests. It had been built about twenty years before hand in a massive corporate attempt to create a utopia for the rich, but the government deemed it unconstitutional, so it was opened to the public, and a large chunk of the West Coast population moved in.

The result is an odd layout, consisting of four main sectors. The north, "Silverton Heights", a casino laden, skyscraper populated area where the corporations made their home, which is entirely gated and guarded to keep tourists and poor people out. Just below them, to the west is Fortuna, the stuck up playground for the upper middle class and the rich. Downtown, to the east, contains most of the international immigrants, as well as the landmarks, parks and museums. Finally, to the south is Kempton, the slums, a foggy, crime ridden maze, populate by run down apartments and factories, and patrolled by vicious street gangs.

Michael and Michelle lived with their father just a few miles south of the city on a small farm in a place known as Redview county, and went to school in Kempton.

It was just passed one in the morning when they pulled up at the dirt lot next to their small, wooden one story house. They grew HyperWheat in a 12 acre field. HyperWheat was what fed most of the planet. Genetically modified wheat modified to resist pests and can grow anywhere.

They parked their cars beneath the giant mesquite tree to the left of the house, and tiptoed to the front door. Michael cautiously pushed the door open with his foot.

"Alright, where the hell were you two? I had to fix the AutoHarvester by myself! Ahh hell I know! You two reek of of burnt rubber. Was it east canyon or Carbon?"

Michael cursed under his breath. Their father was sitting in the living room in the leather recliner, surrounded by empty bottles of Jack Daniel's.

"West actually, by the country club..."

"Clutch is going isn't it... you're avoiding stepping with your left toe. And you Michelle, your right front tire has a flat spot, your wincing to hold the door with your shoulder..."

Their father was a thin middle aged man with brown eyes , salt and pepper hair, and a penchant for drinking and smoking. He was once a LeMans prototype driver before his eyes went. He had this perpetual squint, that made his eyes appear to be constantly shut.

"Non delivery runs are expensive kids... that better have been worth it... cause you're grounded. We have to pay rent soon. "

Michelle immediately exploded. "Dad, what the hell! You told us we needed practice because we kept spilling the water!"

"Sis, let it go." Michael said. Michelle crossed her arms and went to her room.

"Dad look-"

"You two raced someone didn't you."

"Lamborghini Huracan Performante. Well we didn't race him, we just passed him on the downhill, and he tried to block us."

"Did you win?"

"We drifted up the inside at the creek hairpin"

"You guys are ungrounded. But I'm not paying for that extra gas."

Michael went to his room, were he found Michelle sitting on his bed, using her holo watch.
"I got the footage from your GoPro, it's awesome!! I look even more badass than I thought. I am so posting this on my YouTube channel!"

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