jace herondale : sentimental

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They all - Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Clary, Jace, Magnus and (Y/N) - sat in front of a Christmas tree in the living room that Clary and Simon had set up. This year they had all decided that instead of Secret Santa that they would all get each other gifts, meaning each person was responsible for six gifts.

(Y/N) had by herself in the chair closest to the fire, her feet dangling down so they were warmed by the flames. Next to her on the couch sat Magnus, with Alec laying between his legs, and the two took up the whole couch by themselves. On the other side of the room sat Simon and Clary, she was curled into one side of the couch with her legs stretched out across his lap platonically while Simon draped his arm over the back of the couch. In front of Simon sat his girlfriend Isabelle, with her head on his knee and her legs pulled to her chest. Jace was was sat between the two couches, on a third, by himself. Usually the chair that (Y/N) occupied was empty, and she was sitting with him. But not today.

They had broken up a couple weeks ago, leaving the room mostly filled with silence from those two. Luckily everyone else in the room seemed to have plenty to discuss, for which both Jace and (Y/N) were thankful for.

Magnus sat up, placing hands on Alec's sides, before clapping his hands together. "Let's do presents!" He exclaimed, slipping out from under his husband and leaping towards the tree. Magnus was always the first to want to open presents, mostly because he loved seeing what people got him and loved seeing their faces when they open the presents he got them. This year the presents they received would be from both Alec and Magnus, as a newly married couple.

He quickly turned to take his presents in his hands, dispersing them across the room with a little help from Alec.

Magnus has gotten Clary a new easel, a sketch book and some new charcoal paints. She loved it, jumped from her seat next to Simon to crush Magnus in a hug.

Next Simon opened a new speaker, for his music, along with a pair of wireless headphones. Lastly was a brand new pair of shoes, the ones he had been talking about for months. He thanked Magnus, not being able to get up from his spot.

"Two of these are from both of us and one is from Alec." Isabelle clapped her hand as Magnus handed her a stack of presents. She pulled from the first box a red velvet dress, a short one that by the look on Alec's face he hadn't been aware Magnus had bought. She opened another box and found a matching pair of heels to go with the dress, she smiled to Magnus, who sent her a soft wink. Next was a smaller box, "That one is from Alec." Magnus made the point to address as Isabelle tore into the wrapping paper. Soon she gasped as she looked down, in her hands was a small necklace. It had a silver chain, with a small cursive I on it.

"Alec I love it." Izzy said, tears wheeling in her eyes. She jumped to her feet so she could hug him. "Thank you." She cried into his shoulder, before returning to her seat.

Magnus handed gifts to Jace next. He leaned forward in his empty couch, elbows rested on knees. Inside the first box was a new leather jacket, one that Jace held in front of him for a few seconds in awe. Weeks ago he had shredded one of his when they were attacked randomly by a demon, now he had a replacement. When he opened the next box he smiled even more, it was a couple of CD's of his favorite piano players, the ones he always rambled to Alec about. The last box he opened was a new set of books he had been rereading since childhood, he thanked both Alec and Magnus as he cracked open the spine of one of the books.

That left (Y/N), she leaned forward from her seat to grab the first box from Magnus. Truth be told she hatred opening gifts, mostly because she never really received anything that she kept. It was one of her worst qualities, and it always left her friends searching for the perfect gift.

"I think I did a pretty good job this year, if I do say so myself." Magnus said, puffing his collar out.

Everyone rolled their eyes but it was Isabelle who spoke, "Good enough that she won't return it?" She joked, a smirk laid across her maroon painted lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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