magnus bane : closure

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Magic spurted from (Y/N)'s finger tips of one hand while the other held a drink, her legs crossed as she swirled the drink in her hand.

Living in New York hadn't been her idea, not really. Her friend of almost three-hundred years, Magnus Bane, needed her help with a portal about a month ago and since then she had taken residency in the city.

"I didn't invite you to New York so you could break into my apartment and drink all my liquor." Said Magnus as he appeared in the living area.

(Y/N) smiled at her friend, "It's good to see you too Mag." She said, wrapping her arms around him. Magnus hugged her back, digging his face into the crook of her neck. He hummed against her skin before letting go, sliding his jacket off his shoulder.

She turned and walked away from him, swaying her hips back and forth. It was hard to be Magnus' friend, especially when she had spent the past century trying to hide her feelings for him.

"More Shadowhunter business?" She asked, retaking her seat on his couch. It was moments before Magnus sunk into the couch next to her, tossing his arm behind  her shoulders and pulling her closer to his side. She hummed in response, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Oh yes, they always need a Warlocks touch to solve the simplest of problems." He explained, taking a sip of her drink. Magnus' cat eyes were locked on the piece of twelfth century art work that hung above the fire place.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, taking her glass back from him. "And you do it because?" She asked, still puzzled as to why he was so fascinated with the Shadowhunters. Sure they were amazingly beautiful, and mortal, but surely not worth all the trouble.

Magnus smirked, "Because the boy with the raven hair is far to tasty to say no too." He admitted, picturing Alec Lightwood in his head.

(Y/N) felt a pang of pain in her chest, her face dropping as she realized what Magnus meant. She had always known Magnus to be a one soul at a time kind of man, and he had his heart set on the soul of a Shadowhunter.

She finished her drink, downing it all in one swoop. "I think I'm going to go downstairs." She said, standing up and leaving Magnus' side cold. "Find myself a companion for the night." (Y/N) admitted with a fake smirk, using it to hide the sinking feeling in her chest.

Magnus narrowed his eyes at her sudden change of demeanor, how odd, he thought. He brought his glass to his lips, and smiled at his friend as she headed towards the door. She had always been a wild soul, most nights of hers were spent with others but she never seemed to find anyone to stay for the day. Magnus found it quit strange, why wouldn't she let herself fall for anyone?

Hours had passed and Magnus still didn't see (Y/N), if she was really looking for someone to bed surely it wouldn't take her this long. He glanced at the clock, she had been downstairs for almost three hours now, he hoped she was alright.

Magnus was in his room, dressed in his satin pajamas when he heard the front door jumble open, along with groans. He sighed, and exited his room.

(Y/N) held herself up against the wall, the room spinning and the floor moving. Maybe she had too much to drink, using alcohol to heal the wound of hearing the man she love admit he was pursuing another.

"(Y/N)." Said a familiar voice, arms wrapping around her frame and leading her towards the couch. Magnus was in front of her, his hands on knees as he looked at her. "What did you do?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Magnus!" She cried out, tying to toss her arms around his neck. Magnus placed two firm hands on her shoulders, to which she frowned.

He kept a serious face, "How much did you have to drink? You reek." His nose scrunched as he inhaled. She smelled of pure alcohol, as if she had just taken a bath in it.

(Y/N) giggled, falling over on the couch before sitting back up. "A lot." She said, a giggling fit taking over her for a few seconds. She then remembered why she had been drinking, turning a nasty look to Magnus.

His eyes ran over her, "What?" Magnus asked, he was growing more confused at her by the second. The only time she ever drank this much was when she was upset, typically heart broken. Had she been involved with someone and he didn't know.

She licked her lips, standing and stumbling around the room. "You know what I want?" She asked, grabbing onto the wall for support for a second before standing tall and speaking again. "I want closure,  and I am going to get it." (Y/N) said to Magnus, waving her hands at him.

He narrowed his eyes, even more confused than before. What was she talking about?

(Y/N) crossed the room to Magnus, stumbling again until he caught her under the arms and held her up. "This, my friend, is closure." She said, not motioning to anything because of how hard she was grabbing onto Magnus' arms. "I- am-" She paused, lifting one arm to poke at his chest. "Over." Her face grew closer to his. "You." Was the last word that she said before she began giggling once again, pulling out of his arms and falling into the couch.

Magnus was stunned, what was that supposed to mean? This was a girl he had known for over three hundred years, and she was basically confessing her feelings for him now. Of course she was drunk but how could he not believe her?

"Well," (Y/N) said, pulling him out of his own mind. Magnus blinked, not sure what he was supposed to say to her. For the first time in his long life, Magnus was speechless. "Don't you have anything to say?" She asked, her face both helpless and full of rage.

Magnus sighed, dragging his hand through the lose hairs that hung over (Y/N)'s face, "We can talk about it in the morning." He whispered, smiling down at his friend, "Let's get you too bed."

Word Count: 1082

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