Lovely, Beautiful

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Dear Christa,

                       You and I are SO close! I love you! We laugh together. We cry together. We dark red together! ;P We dance. We sing. I love you! I have two of these letters to write today so I will make this short.

                                We met through our sisters. We have had many adventures together. Mount 2000 is one of them. We were the noobs there and now look at us old girls. I LOVE YOU! We will ALWAYS be friends. You will always be there when I purple. I know you will. Especially when its with your brother. ;) I want to know you forever. Please listen to these rules.

1.       Don’t ever answer the first question that your chemistry teacher asks. EVER!


2.       Make sure you know which classroom is which.


3.       Don’t get lost on your way to first period and end up in Honors Chemistry


4.       Don’t fall in love too fast.


5.       Befriend the guy first


6.       Be smart.


7.       Never think that you are not beautiful. Cuz you are!


8.       Make good friends


9.       Be happy.


10.   Laugh often.


11.   Love much.





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