everything was perfect until

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( zayn POV )

when we got home I unlocked the front door and tiptoed into the dark House. I checked every corner checking to see if any of the boys or girls were awake. we finally made it inside my room and all I wanted was to get my mind off of everything and get into her pants.

i layed her on my bed and started heavily making out, pulling her pants down without breaking our lips. she slipped her  hands under my shirt and pulled it off and over my head throwing it to the side of my bed.

getting a break I gave her a trail of love bites going down her neck. she grabbed my ass and poked her finger through my sweats inside of my but whole. wow this girl is weird

she slipped off my pants and we had a fun ride from there


I woke lonely with no one beside me. well know I know what a one night stand is.

( Jannah POV )

I guess I eventually fell asleep while watching TV with louis niall and Sam cause now I was under Louis covers. I started stroking his face making his eyes flutter open. " good morning babe," he said making his grin go wider and wider every minute.

" uhm you do know that we slept with each other right ? "  he smiled. he pulled me closer and started kissing me. ugh I can't hold it in I need to say something really bad.

" LOUIS YOUR BREATH REAKS GO BRUSH. " I exclaimed. that's a one thing I can't stand bad morning breath. I don't care who it is. he got up out the bed making me feel cold and lonely. he brushed his teeth and got ready by taking a quick shower and with a change of cloth.

he made his way down stairs probably going to make waffles of something.

I dragged my self out of bed making the coldnest  hit me and making me jump back into bed. hmm now how am I going to get out of this room.

oh I got it.

I threw the pillows on the floor acting like there's lava on the floor. when I finally made it to the bathroom I took a quick shower using my favorite watermelon scented shampoo. when I was done with that I curled my hair making my hair stop right on top of my butt. I brushed my teeth and added a little bit of makeup.

I quickly ran to my room with my towel draped around my body. when I reached the hallway I was so urged to just run downstaires and eat all of the waffles. When I reched my room I quickly unwrapped the towel and slid on my bra and under wear on.

I grabbed my black jeans and a plain T-shirt that had the number 8 on it with my favorite bandanna in my hair, adding with that I put on my fake chain neckales. after all that I ran down stairs almost tripping on my foot and fall in on my face. I quickly grabbed the left over waffles and stuffed them into my mouth. all the others were done. with there food and went to go watch some TV.

I washed the dishes since they were 2x taller than me. when I was done with that I walked into the living room and sat on louis's lap until the whole movie finished.i obsurved everybody and saw sam and niall curled up in the couch playing with each others fingers. harry intrested in the move. and liam on his phone texting someone. hmmm i wounder who .I kept shooting glances at zayn since he kept doing it back at me. he looked jealous with a mixture of hurt and anger. but why ?

I excused my self and went to my room and layed there on my phone going through my instagram and my text. in the middle of this all I saw a paper slip under my door with red sharpie bleeding through the thin paper. I walked over to it and grabbed and sat on the corner of my bed. the note said

' Jannah how could I ever love a person like you. yup you heard right love l-o-v-e. I am saying all this because you knew that I loved you way before Louis ever did. you just played me and you didn't even care about my emotions.and I know your big secret you act all care free but you only act like that to cover up all the pain you have. go die in a whole like I care.

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